Serendipity Taking Over Vertical Clearance Spot


Well, how’s this for a scoop?  While the letters are still literally being added!

I’m not sure if this place will still be hair salon, or if it’s to be transformed into a retro thrift store, antique boutique, or gallery of some sort.  According to the overhanging sidewalk sign, though, so far it looks like a good place to score some blow.


Vertical Clearance Needs Sidewalk Clearance

Vertical Clearance Needs Sidewalk Clearance

I thought a good old-fashioned sidewalk sale was happening this morning on Valencia, but Kevin here informed me that he is in fact moving out.  I wanted to ask where he was moving to in order to help spread the word, but instead we had the following exchange:

Me:  “Heya!”

Kevin:  “Why are you taking pictures?”

Me:  “I just wanted to ask what was going on here.”

Kevin:  “I’m moving.  You can’t take pictures!  Only assholes take pictures of random people.  You’re just a BIIIIIG ASSHOLE”

Me:  “You are probably right about that.  Later!”

So now I’m not even sure if that was Kevin (fairly certain though–I have heard the word ”diva” used to describe him several times), or if Vertical Clearance is moving on to the big salon in the sky or just to Lower Haight/Hayes Valley.  I will have to check out the aftermath on the way back home.

This is probably a tender, vulnerable moment for him, hence his dislike of being photographed (and I concedingly didn’t use any with his face visible).  But really, am I a big asshole?