Someone please make a single-serving web site for the status of the Valencia Street Swing.
We announced its return yesterday morning, and it survived a riot so that people could enjoy it in the riot’s aftermath, but now it is gone.
As Emily who took this photo says, “Fuck everything about the last twenty-four hours.” [link]
This is reader Brian’s friend Jessica “enjoying the resurrected Valencia swing after witnessing the pointless destruction.” Life on Valencia Street goes on.
Goodnight for now.
You knew it was only a matter of time before the whimsical fun squad struck back against both the city and the fun-hating grinches determined to keep Valencia Street free from pendulum tyranny. And this time they’ve done it in grand festive style, with glorious streamers to accentuate the riders’ flight as they glide through the air (while respectfully watching out for pedestrians, of course). Furthermore, eagle-eyed readers may notice that the cord on this new swing matches the orange and black braiding of the original swing before it was hacked down by misinformed neighborhood vigilante Carmen Castillo, suggesting that this may be the work of the originators!
We can only wonder how long this incarnation lasts before the anti-fun police have their way, but for now both the young and young-at-heart have a new toy with which to play.
Now that all the drama has finally died down, this is where we stand…until it is reincarnated again!
(Thanks void!)
Our pal Matt delivers the bad news:
Was running late for work so didn’t have time to snap a pic but saw a city maintenance worker cutting down the swing on Valencia. Swinggate continues! SOPA! Obama!
Capitalism! Christianity! Society!
Our pal Kai fills us in:
Tis true, a swing has materialized. This one is rigged with steel cable so to frustrate our local slasher. The workmanship leaves something to be desired but the spirit is sound. Here are a few pics.
Yay! Suck it, fun-hating grinch!
(Thanks again, Kai!) (And thanks to @fiid for the original tip.)
UPDATE: Some French guy named Michael P. late last night sent Helen a picture of the heroic team that installed the swing:
Hi helen. Sorry for my lame french accent. But since a few i’m following this swing story. And tonight, i can tell. An another swing is born. This guuz are the heroes of tonight.
( i asked, they agreed with the fact i send you this picture, because we are all happy to see the swing back
Kiss from everyone here in valencia Helen.
So say thanks if you see ‘em around!
Our man at the scene Kai has the update:
Tiny memorial upon my arrival this morning. Glad to see the community mourning in a healthy way.
And it’s probably not a good idea to mess with the perpetrator:
She lives on Dolores St between 18th and 19th. Her name is Carmen Castillo. She harasses all the neighbors and frankly, she’s a bitter old crazy lady. She carries around an exacto knife, so be careful!
UPDATE: Further fun via Twitter:
@missionmission I might have a lead on swing slayer. Grumpy lady walks by hood tattoo shop, pokes head in, yells “don’t do it” and walks off
— David Covell (@davidnotdave) January 15, 2012