Dalva Back Room Closing?


Reader Dervish wrote in with some troubling news:

Dalva bar has closed their hideout. Worse, their not closing it at all, rather their building another bar back there and prohibiting smoking…

As a fan of the Dalva back room (it looks like sexy France!), I hope Dervish has been misinformed.  There’s nothing more enjoyable than showing up early (p.s. they open at 4) and  filling that space with 10-15 of your closest smoker friends.

Just a rumor so far, folks.  Anyone know more?

(Photo courtesy of montgomery r.)

Shotwell Bummer (Bars of the Mission: Inner Mission Beer Parlor)

So I was all stoked after my walk down Shotwell the other day and so tonight I dragged the crew to this bar I saw on the corner of Shotwell and 20th. The bar, Inner Mission, turned out to be a *smoking bar* full of smokers and smoke. Some of the crew didn’t mind, but one was bummed out. Sorry, one. They had Big Daddy, so it wasn’t all bad, but smoke blows.

Adios, muchacho.