SF Examiner Marketing Gimmick a Lesson in Poor Judgment


Ok, I see what they’re trying to do here, and the intention is quite honorable.  Devoting front page space to a celebration of educational achievement is definitely commendable.

However, is it really necessary to force the poor person who hands out these free papers to wear a graduate cap and gown???  I’ll go out on a limb and assume that one of the primary reasons why this person has a crappy job like this is that they did not have the same advantages while growing up as the professionals who dismissively ignore their hand-off at the top of the BART escalator every morning. 

To rub it in by sticking them in a cap and gown when in all likelihood they never even had the opportunity to graduate, forcing them to endure the irony while being scornfully rebuffed by every young professional who ascends the stairs?


SF Examiner, you’re better than that.


Mission Day Laborers Rock