Reader Steve pointed us toward these two videos captured surreptitiously during last night’s riot. I watched the full 20+ minutes and here’s what I know:
- Whether Occupy identifies with these rioters or not, these rioters identify with Occupy. They reference the movement multiple times in their chants. But yeah, maybe it’s all a conspiracy to turn public sentiment against the legitimate peaceful protestors. Sure.
- SF Weekly newspaper bins seem to be the makeshift barricade of choice for these rioters. They drag them into the street presumably to slow down authorities that might try to pursue. I’d say these bins should be banned, but SF Weekly is a very useful thing to have access to when you need something to sit on when it’s damp in the park.
- It’s a major bummer to watch a guy smash the window of a defenseless art gallery.
- Trying to reason with an angry mob is not very effective.
Videos and my timeline of notable sequences after the jump: