On Friday, Animal posted this shot of a mobile guard tower currently deployed in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. By applying the Panopticon principle (thanks, Alex) to sketchy neighborhood intersections, the NYPD hopes to curtail rising crime rates. Got us thinking. The other day, Mitch (Mission resident since 1991) delivered the following rant about about one of our own sketchy intersections:
what about 16th & Mission? How the hell is that blight allowed to exist? [...] crackheads and prostitutes. out in the open, plain as day, 24/7. in what reality is that shit OK? and who WOULDN’T want that shit gone? and why isnt it gone?
Now, I guarantee that Mitch doesn’t support Orwellian shit of any kind — and nor does anyone we’d dare associate with — so what’s the real solution? And hypothetically, were the SFPD to install a collapsible privacy-invasion turret in the heart of the Mission, what would happen?
Previously on Mission Mission:
Cops Cruise Right Up Onto the Sidewalk
Mission Wackos vs. Pier 39 Fanny Packs: Open Letter to SFPD