Stories in the Making

Tomorrow (Saturday) the Mission Neighborhood Center is hosting live poetry and storytelling about “the Mission and beyond”. They’re raising funds for their GED program, and all the money goes straight to their students’ testing fees.

Help out the kids! $10 later they’re that much closer to glory! You were a kid once too, someone probably gave you ten bucks.

Precita Valley Community Center at 534 Precita Avenue, 8-11pm.

Poems For Sale!

This guy was selling poems at 16th Street BART last night:


The sign inside his typewriter case said “Pick a subject and price then get a poem.”


I’m pretty sure I tried this one as a young lass, with no luck (newsflash: my poems were shitty).  Judging by the crowd surrounding this young poet, he’s doing much better than I ever did.

What do you suppose the most popular poem topic was?  Probably healthcare.

Skate-Punk Poetry Overheard Outside the Nice Lady Store

Better than any haiku I’ve heard all year:

“Look at this homie here

He gave you his beer

Even though you fucked up his face”

Previously on Mission Mission:

Overheard on the 14X

Chillaxin’ at the Nice Lady Store