Bike Ra: The Legend Lives

Does anybody want to come up with a depiction of the Egyptian God of Bicycles?

Update: Tina P sends us an image of Bike Ra. Rad, Tina! I’m thinking the ankh is some kind of ancient U-Lock.

Wood Shoppe free concert series continues at Brick and Mortar with Colleen Green

This jam rules:

Here’s all the info:

RSVP and invite your friends!

Yarn cube

Dude if cubicles looked like this, I would totally work in a cubicle. (Unrelated: heading to the park now if anybody wants to join.)

[Photo by reader Nadia E., submitted via our Facebook timeline]

SFPD and DARPA compiling data in Dolores Park for new military training simulator

SF Weekly reports:

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is responsible for doling out millions for research that, according to an agency mission statement, will “prevent strategic surprise from negatively impacting U.S. national security.” Their latest project, titled Good Stranger, involves S.F.’s finest — and, quite possibly, you.

In April 2012, researchers started tagging along with SFPD officers on their beats, recording video and audio of police interacting with the locals. This data is compiled for studies at theStanford Research Institute and UC Santa Barbara that, according to Dr. Brian Lande, DARPA program manager, aim to examine the “interaction skills” people use to “make sense of and orient toward unfamiliar people, relationships, and social settings.”

DARPA plans to use the recordings in the development of a military training simulator that will use artificial intelligence to read and react to a trainee’s body language and facial expressions. DARPA is dumping $32.5 million into Good Stranger and related projects; the agency states that the training module will eventually be cheaper than arranging live role-players to train soldiers.

So I’m going to the park to meet some friends around 2:30, and my interaction with some cop regarding the Watermelon Wheat I plan to drink will someday factor in to how long some soldier reasons with some suspected terrorist before using lethal force to subdue him? Okay. Happy to help :)

Read on for official SFPD statements and more. [via Mission Local]

Nice couple from the Marina pays your tab at Mission Chinese Food

Now here’s a cute Missed Connection:

mission chinese – couple who paid our bill (mission district)

To the couple in their 50s(?) from the Marina who paid for our check: THANK YOU! So much of the feedback us parents-of-toddlers get is negative. Your kind note and gesture was one of the nicest things anyone has done for us as parents. We deeply appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness, and just wanted to let you know how much it meant to us. [link]

How nice!

[Photo by Sam Louis]

Hot new look for summer: Buttoning two different collared shirts into each other

Our pal Veljko just returned from a month overseas in the Middle East and Eastern Europe complete with a new look that is sure to sweep the nation.  Confused?  Here, have a closer look:

Bonus points if the two patterns are as starkly different as possible.  Well done sir!

Inside the Cinecave

Looks good!

[via Talent Is An Asset]

McSweeney’s summertime garage sale starts now

Also, it’s Sunday Streets again!

Cabbage patch glam rocker

Having a Pooh party!

[via Quonky]

Tweezing your gourmet sandwich

Vulcan Tits stopped by Central Kitchen and here’s what happened:

I found this man, taking photos of a sandwich. And when it didn’t look EXACTLY right? Well, my good friends, that’s when the tweezers came out. [link]
