What do you do when the same car alarm continues to drive you absolutely bonkers every single night but you just can’t discern the source? Such is the case for a couple of new residents to our fine neighborhood:
My roommate and I just moved to the lovely intersection of 21st and San Carlos. We are both new to this illustrious city and are proud to call ourselves residents of the Mission. We have, however, one single complaint and were hoping you and other residents might provide some assistance into the matter. You see, we are fully aware that living in the city comes with some city noises (we’re from Houston and Chicago respectively) so the odd siren or car alarm is only a temporary nuisance. Yet, there exists a car alarm which is audible from our intersection that goes off approximately every hour or so.
Our assumption is that it’s triggered by pigeon farts, clouds shifting or someone thinking about buying a Brooks saddle. It’s very identifiable, because instead of your typical car alarm it has an odd series of chirps and squeaks. It’s the only alarm of it’s kind I’ve heard. Both my roommate and I work long hours, and any attempts to triangulate its position have been so far fruitless, yet we know it can’t be too far off. We figured others in the area must hear it all the time. Day and night. Beeping. Blaring. Driving us mad. Any who our end goal is to locate it and either place a note for the owner, or submit a noise complaint to the city of SF. Or pay some guy $20 to rip the cable out from under the hood. Whatever works.
Well, at least it’s not a mockingbird car alarm! And before you give ‘em the old “Durrrrrr, welcome to the Mission motha-fuckas!” comment that I know you’re just dying to submit, perhaps you can come up with something a bit more clever? Or, God forbid, constructive? And I’m not talking about employing something that shares its namesake with our friend from the photo above!
Mission Mockingbird Car Alarm