Big Kids helping Little Kids


This Saturday, Your ignorant party rap party “Champagne Campaign” will be collecting new toys for kids in the neighborhood at Pops Bar. Bring new wrapped or unwrapped toys to donate and stick around for the best party jams from local DJs Sake One & Baysik. DJ Sake One was recently honored in San Francisco’s Bay Guardian’s Best of the Bay 2016. A true veteran of the Bay Area hip hop and music scene, DJ Sake One is a born and raised renaissance man, known to doing anything from community projects to opening up for big acts such as Mos Def or Kanye West. Whether it’s soulful lounge tracks or bass-filled remixes, his talent and musical palate does not discriminate. So big mission kids, come out, dance all night and help out our neighborhood kids have happy holidays.

This week’s entertainment line up at Pops Bar:


Drama Talk & Drinks: The King and I – “If Rodgers and Hammerstein are your jam…”

After a week of post-election depression we decided to see if some Broadway magic could brighten our outlook on life. Hamilton had been our post-election playlist, but since that’s not coming to SF until next year, we decided to check-out the classic The King and I which is currently playing at the Golden Gate Theater.

The King And I

Brittany: You would think a week after election day would be a great time to go see a Broadway musical, because it would take your mind off all this stuff.

Katie: (laughs) Right, that’s what you’d think. We need singing and dancing. But gosh this is probably one of the worst musicals for people, especially women, to see to make them feel better about what’s going on in the world.

B: Right, it’s like let’s be a little racist, let’s throw some Western exceptionalism in there….

K: …and some misogyny.

B: Oh yeah, you can’t forget to add a lot of misogyny! And just kinda laugh about it. I don’t know, maybe we’re way off base. I understand that at the time this play was written (ed. note: in 1951) acknowledging that Taiwanese people are not barbarians was probably a revolutionary statement, even if it’s done while perpetuating Asian stereotypes. I’m sure having a single women stand-up to an Emperor in any way must have seemed so progressive.

K: But when Anna would stand up to the King, it was like one step forward and three steps back. She’d say “No I won’t be treated like this!” and then five minutes later she’d be like “Oh, NBD, I’m just a women. I’m probably overreacting when I yell that you should not whip one of your many slave-wives for running away because she doesn’t want to be married to you. It’s cool, sorry I was upset.”

B: And that whole refusing to give her a house thing.

K: Yeah! She’s all like “I’m putting down my foot and won’t stay here if you don’t pay me what was promised and give me my house.” Then the story fast forwards to a year and half later and she’s singing in the classroom with his wives and kids still without the damn house! Really, Anna? What happened this last year and a half? WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE!

B: This is just our liberal elite bubble Katie, we are out of touch with The King and I.

K: I guess so. This show is for somebody, but it’s poor timing for us.

B: I mean it was a beautiful looking show, the sets were amazing. It was a great production.

K: People did seem to be enjoying themselves. The women who played Anna, was just awesome. What an actress. What a voice! She really owned that stage. I couldn’t stop watching her. It’s just a very old-timey type of musical. I personally don’t like Broadway classics as well as more contemporary musicals, they’re a bit too corny for me. The King and I  just doesn’t feel very relevant anymore. It’s just not exciting.

B: Yeah it is a Rodgers and Hammerstein. Which, when you feel like Hamilton, is a bit of a let down. (laughs) But if Rodgers and Hammerstein are your jam…

K: True, if you’re looking for nostalgia, and you like this kind of musical you’d probably love it.

The Verdict: Beautiful production, and well sung Broadway standards, but unless you love this play already it may be better to pick another piece of theater to get you out of your post-election funk.

The Drama Talk: We personally don’t think this show ages very well, although this production was well done. If you’re a huge fan of Broadway classics, and are better at appreciating this play in the context of when it was written than we are, you may love it.  The sets are really amazing. There are some really impressive dance numbers, and some great renditions of well loved songs. But, if you’re not into musical theater, and as fed up with casual racism and misogyny as we are, it’s probably not a great pick for you.

The Drinks: Monarch’s The Emperor’s Drawing Room seemed aptly named for this show, so we decided to check it out for post-show drinks. While not the most ideal venue for a quiet post-show conversation, a good strong classic cocktails seemed the best way to dull the heartache.

The King and I runs through December 11th at the Golden Gate Theater. There are $40 both virtual and in-person rush tickets available. You can check-out the SHN website for rush instructions. Goldstar also currently has tickets for $50-75 (normally priced $65-150).

Remembering the big salad at Ti Couz


I stumbled onto this old photo (by Flickr user marie.francille) after I stumbled onto this old Mission Mission post (about people not eating at Ti Couz because the name made them think of vaginas) while looking for Star Wars-related Mission Mission posts for the “related posts” section of my post about Doc Pop’s new pin earlier.

Look at that salad. It sure was a nice big salad.

Grand Moff Tarkin enamel pin


Local artist Doc Pop explains his latest creation:

Ever spent so much time searching for a thing, that you finally decided to just make it for yourself? I’m a big Star Wars fan and really wanted a high quality enamel pin based Grand Moff Tarkin’s imperial uniform. So I finally made some.

 Nice one, Doc! For sale here or at Mission: Comics & Art on Mission Street.

[via Doc's blog]

Scenes from a DEVO vs. Talking Heads party a couple weekends ago at El Rio




The bands were killer (Suburban Robots, our local DEVO cover band, play December 9th at the Ivy Room in the East Bay between a Cure cover band and a Pixies cover band!!), the patio was packed and the weather was nice, and the whiskey was flowin’ (thanks to my pals at Jameson Irish Whiskey and all the Jameson Black Barrel they bought us as part of all the good work they do for the Movember charity!). Thanks, everybody! What a night!!


Lots more pics after the jump…


Sneak peek inside WesBurger’s new tiki bar!!!

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The Den, it’s called! Punches are its speciality!

Open to the public December 2nd! Adjacent to WesBurger ‘n’ More’s main entrance!

[via WesBurger 'n' More on Instagram]

Spin the Night for Standing Rock


This Wednesday, Spin the Night is planning on giving you a treat with an extra special surprise guest DJ. Such a surprise even we don’t know what they’ve got up their sleeve. What we do know is they will be accepting donations at the door for Standing Rock if you have any change to spare.

Find out more information here.

Spin the night is a fun boozy filled evening showcasing the local heroes working hard to keep the music scene alive and well in San Francisco. No particular genre, just music that inspires us to party on.

Check out the entertainment line up this week at Pops:


Super vintage drink tokens from Jack’s Bar on 24th Street a MILLION years ago

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Check out this total throwback recently unearthed by our ol’ pal Lizzy (former Mission Mission contributor) (who years ago relocated to another city altogether):

Wow don’t remember when or why I got these besides that it was probably right about this time 5 years ago. Actually, I was probably hanging onto them for @punkgirls one night or something. Viva Thursdays at Jacks. I’m even listening to Rilo Kiley 😶 [link]

RIP Jack’s!!! Also, what the F is happening with that space anyway??? (DJ Purple’s karaoke night ended, and then they closed up altogether, and then some refurbishment seemed to start, and then it stalled, and now it’s been sitting vacant for about a million years.)

Let’s rock:

And now please enjoy all these Jack’s-related posts from over the years…

Roosevelt Tamale Parlor reborn as Roosevelt Sip ‘n’ Eat!


Same owners as before! Tablehopper reports:

It’s funny how things work out sometimes. After making the hard decision to close The Roosevelt Tamale Parlor last December, owners Barry Moore and Aaron Presbrey thought they had a buyer lined up for the restaurant. Well, the deal fell through, and after trying and failing to find other buyers, they decided to reopen the restaurant and do the concept that resonated the most for them. Meet ~THE ROOSEVELT SIP N EAT~.

They reopened last week! Here’s the menu:


Read on for more of the story.

[via Roosevelt's on Facebook]

Friendly Fired Up

Photo by Brendan Mainini (SF Night Moves Project)

It should come as no surprise that resident DJ Sonny Phono is starting up a night featuring the music of the California. Equal parts Northern and Southern California, local man on the go Sonny is known for throwing parties up and down the state. In SF you can catch his double header of The No Theme Super Dance Jam at Pops Bar on 5th Fridays as well as 5th Saturdays at Madrone Art Bar. We can’t wait to see what this seasoned DJ brings out for Friendly Fire, a night of all Cali Independent and Underground Music, this Thursday at Pops Bar!

Check out this week’s full entertainment line up at Pops Bar:
