Translating all that Craigslist rental jargon

It’s tough to find an apartment anywhere in the city these days, let alone the Mission.  And it doesn’t help that landlords will come up with every euphemism in the book to try to trick you into thinking their place is better than it is (not that they even have to given the fact that they’ll probably get 200 emails an hour after they put it up anyway).  Fortunately, our pal Teddy has taken all of the mystery out of rental ads to show you what they really mean.

Check out the rest here!

Portrait of DJ JustStella

This babe is DJing the big American Tripps party this Saturday night at 19 Heron, and I took this pic of her a few weeks back and I’m very proud of it, just thought you should know.

UPDATE: Bonus! Interview with DJ JustStella over on SFist!

Bad Blood with Joshua Cobos: Last Nite

Every week, photographer Joshua Cobos shoots a roll of film just for us. He picks the best 13 photos and we post them here, and it’s called “Bad Blood with Joshua Cobos.” Here’s what Joshua has to say about this week’s installment:

Jamie’s got a new dance night at Elbo Room, also my favorite place to play pinball. I’m sure he could explain his DJ night a lot better but it’s music from the early 2000s. Back then I was shooting on a Canon Rebel 2000 and using Tri-X for black and white, AGFA Vista 200 for color. My teacher back then was a true film snob in the best sense, dismissing those stocks as pedestrian and value brands. When I can, I shoot a brand I think she’d appreciate, Fuji Pro 400H, which is what I’ve used here for Last Nite.

Thanks, Joshua! Looks like a killer party, Jamie! (Keep tabs on future editions here.) Ten more shots after the jump:


Here are some party photos from last month’s Haçeteria

If this looks like a blast to you, and I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t, consider attending this month’s Haçeteria, tonight at Slate Bar.

Drink of the Week: Glass of wine with sufficient wine in it

There are several reasons to favor this approach:

  • This is America
  • I don’t have a lot of time
  • White wine tastes like juice anyway
  • This is America

Thank you for your time.

And thanks, Lily!

Drink of the week is brought to you by

My favorite photo in Doctor Popular’s new American Analog zine

Man. And there are lots more gems in there too.

Support local art! Get a copy here.

BMW leads cops on high-speed chase through the Mission

I mean, I love Trick Dog as much as the next guy, and I know parking is hard if you don’t get to the 20th Street Corridor early, but.

[Photo by Nattles]

It’s so fucking hot right now, this tree in the Marina just keeled over and died


Owner of the Redlick Building responds

Valley Homes sign

[fake real estate billboard featuring 17 Reasons that I painted in 2007]

This came in to us today from Rick Holman, who says that he is concerned about misinformation spreading about what he intends to do with his property on the southeast corner of 17th and Mission:

Open letter to the Mission and San Francisco from the owner of 2102 Mission Street Neighbors:

I’m Rick Holman. I am a fifth-generation San Franciscan and I have recently purchased the Redlick Building at 2101-2125 Mission Street (you may know it as the 17 Reasons Building.). We’re pleased to own this well-known San Francisco building. We plan to maintain it as it is: bustling with unique, San Francisco and Mission-oriented businesses. However, I’ve been distressed by some rumors that are being spread. I’d like to set the record straight.

We have no intention to tear down the building, convert the building to lofts or condos, or otherwise change its fundamental character or use. Some have pointed to the soils testing currently underway as evidence that we’re about to convert the building to condos. The soil is being tested to better understand the Building’s significant seismic issues. We intend to address the issues once we fully understand them. We want the tenants and visitors to be safe when they’re in the Building. Also, there is no intention to build an underground parking structure. The Building sits on Mission Creek, making the construction of an underground parking garage at the site nearly impossible.

Let’s be clear: we didn’t buy the Redlick Building to leave it completely alone – that would be a disservice to our tenants. We are making positive changes. The Building was porous; there were many ways for unwelcome visitors to get inside. Locks and doors didn’t close correctly, and the parking lot gate was broken and would not close. So the faulty door has been fixed. The numerous broken locks have been replaced with locks that are the same as the ones on the Mission Street doors. We have distributed more than 70 new keys to our tenants, free of charge. The Building now has security personnel in the Building to discourage the unwelcome visitors. We’ve replaced over 100 burned-out lights in stairwells and hallways, cleaned the storefront windows and cleaned out drains. We have started the process of investing a significant amount of money in improving the Building elevators and HVAC system – money we want to spend to make this Building better.

We have heard we replaced the management of the Building. T and Aldo are still here, and Julio has joined the management crew. I am also here almost every day. There are now twice as many people in the Building to assist the tenants combining the old with new energy.

There are rumors that we are planning to evict all of our tenants. This is completely untrue. Let’s be clear: I have indeed initiated one eviction, for a group of people illegally occupying one of the units. (This is the first eviction process I have ever engaged in, by the way.) But we are already in conversation or negotiation with many of the other tenants regarding the extension of their leases and tenancies. The ground floor retail tenants, Thrift Town, Fabric Outlet and A&A Bargains, are important Mission District businesses. We hope that they remain tenants here for many years to come.

I regret that some have chosen to spread unfounded rumors about the future of the Redlick Building. However, we’re confident that the changes we’re making will provide a better, safer, and more positive experience for our tenants and visitors.

Thank you for taking the time to read this note.

Rick Holman Mission Street SF LLC

This seems like as good a time and place as any to ask Holman any legitimate questions or pose any concerns you have about the future of this building and the businesses it houses. As a longtime resident of the neighborhood I know that I am hopeful that he will indeed keep the current thriving businesses intact and agree with him that they are important to the fabric (pun unfortunately intended) of our neighborhood.


‘Stupid fucking city’ (in which ice cream parlors stay open later than bars)

I was in Hayes Valley last night (for some reason) and after getting kicked out of Biergarten at closing time (9pm), we walked past this ice cream place that was still positively hoppin’. One of my drinking companions commented, “Stupid fucking city.”

Okay, obviously there are reasons for this (noise restrictions on an open-air bar in a residential area) and we were able to keep drinking (Two Sisters was open and lively and they had a really interesting Fernet from Denver called Fernet Leopold), but still.