If you don’t go to Oldies Night tonight, Primo is going to start working at Google

And we won’t get to see these amazing flyers or dance to the best soul grooves in town anymore!  Or so he threatens.

Best not to risk it.  See ya there!

King Khan says there’s a Jay Reatard documentary coming out soon!

He also tells the story about the first time he ever met Jay:

I first met Jay when he was 17 years old. He booked us a gig at Barristers, the line up was The Spaceshits, Deadly Snakes and Reatards. When we showed up in Memphis it looked like a ghost town. Skid Marks (drummer of the spaceshits) has always  been a magnet for scum bags and immediately befriended a one armed man who had just come out of prison. They disappeared in search for some weed.

When Jay showed up he told me that he had just gotten engaged to be married. He also apologized about the lack of people at the show in advance, the reason was simple… “everyone hates us in this town.”  There were 4 people in the audience that night, Greg Oblivian and the dudes from Impala. But the show went on and it was great fun. Later that night everyone went to Greg’s house to hang and listen to records and Carson Binks (Legend of San Fran), Skid Marks and I decided to go for a Memphis adventure with Jay.

We drove around crazy ghettos in search of drugs. All we wanted was a little weed, none of us wanted any of the countless crack offers not even Jay. We parked at a gas station for some cigarettes and when we were getting back into the car i remember all these crack heads coming out of nowhere asking me for a smoke. They were crawling towards us like true zombies and even continued to follow the car in slow motion as we drove away. It really felt like George A. Romero was somewhere around the corner. Jay spoke of these crackheads with a sense of pride which was followed by pure hatred. He was really into showing us the nitty gritty of his city.

Read on!

[Photo via Pork Magazine]

This $80 Rent Raiser tank is probably even worse than one that says Hipster

It’s too early in the morning for my mental faculties to discern whether or not this is a joke, but according to the seller:

The rent is too high. You’re too educated to ignore that you’re part of the problem, but you’re not about to move. Find compromise in this high fashion accessory.

Send orders/hatemail to rentraiser@gmail.com.

Lil lost pup!

This guy is lost! He’s Morris and he’s quite famous on Tumblr. More importantly, he escaped from a home near 17th and Bryant and he’s on the loose in a strange city. (He’s a New Yorker in town for a wedding.)

Please find him!

UPDATE: Found!

Would you take a ride in the devil’s taxi?

Charlie HD wasn’t falling for this clever trap on Cesar Chavez, but if I really really really needed to catch a cab in a hurry, I might just dance with the devil.

Of course, I’d probably also have to put in some extra Jesus bounce house time as penance just to be safe…

Hey, how do you feel about Safeway?

[via David Mohr]

Fun with ’90s hits, starring Rebecca Bortman of Happy Fangs

Rebecca, formerly of My First Earthquake, has always been great at promotional clips. Check it out:

Happy Fangs performs with all those other bands, tonight at Elbo Room. RSVP and invite your friends!

Drink of the Week: Tequila on the rocks, with some wood shavings

I was at a private party at J. Rusten Furniture Studio (the best place in the neighborhood for a private party I think) the other night, and I drank a LOT of things (tequila on the rocks, tequila and lemonade on the rocks, beer and lemonade on the rocks, beer and tequila and lemonade on the rocks), but this was the highlight.

Mr. Rusten was giving a tour of the facilities, and somebody came back with this scrap of some kind of fancy cedar I think, and it looked like a twist of lemon, and I was wasted probably, so I decided to incorporate it into my cocktail, as a garnish. Turns out, the crisp, woody aroma of the shaving complemented the tequila nicely.

(Thanks again for throwing such a sick party, Chex!)

Drink of the week is brought to you by Poachedjobs.com.

Come party at Adobe Books new home on 24th St!

Adobe Books is almost all settled in their new cozy location at 24th Street, and they want to invite you over to check out their new home!

Come to our first ever event in our new location! Our Marketplace event is this Saturday May 18th. Join us as we invite local artists and merchants to sell out of the brand new Adobe books. Browse the wares of your talented Bay Area comrades like Ryan De La Hoz and Amos Goldbaum, and enjoy music by DJs Melissa Funk, Tylawave & Andy Pabstalaniec, as well as food & drinks by Rainbow Grocery and Speakeasy Ales and Lagers. All bar proceeds and 10% of sales from the marketplace will be donated to help open the new Adobe Books.

See the whole list of participants after the jump, and check out the FB event page here.


Take a break from streaming Daft Punk for a second and watch this music video about some other helmet-wearing space invaders scoping out the Mission in the ’50s

It’s part Mad Men, part Mars Attacks, and takes place partially on a Mission rooftop:

Okay now go back to Daft Punk. (And sorry about the long headline.) (Oh and the band is called Date Nite.)