Local hotties Oliver Piazza and David Saracino in the pages of GQ

The regular GQ feature Street Style took a trip to SF to see how we do it our west, and apparently we do pretty alright:

Lookin’ good, boys! [link]

(Thanks, Mikey!)

Cool ad for Pringles

[via megaflora]

Cool ad for Red Stripe

UPDATE: Photo removed at the request of the gal in the photo :(

Cool old Fernet ad

With coffee! Gonna have to try that one.

[via Fernet-Branca on Facebook]



Sunday morning soundtrack

It’s Sunday morning and I don’t know about you, but I often need the right song to get my Sunday started. I’ve done my best to provide you with some options for what song best fits your Sunday morning experience, which can vary greatly. Please choose one or add better selections in the comments.

I woke up with this song in my head, it’s good if you’re keeping it sleepy, maybe staying in bed and looking out the window a bit before getting up.

Dear Nora – “Here We Come Around”

But what if you really need to get pumped up, get the blood flowing for a rollicking Sunday. Maybe this will help.

Kanye West & Jay Z – “No Church in the Wild”

Okay, so those might not do it for you today. What if you’re really hungover and can’t really think or read or see anything and you kind of feel really emotional right now guys and just want to wallow a little and feel nostalgic?

Radiohead – “Creep”


Last night’s fire today

‘Holy shit’ fire on Valencia

Fire on Valencia but the ultraviolet ladders got it under control


Drink of the Week: Brass Monkeys in my backyard

I had a Brass Monkey (malt liquor + OJ) the other night at DJ Jamie Jams’ Beastie Boys-themed party in the Lower Haight, and it was pretty good. Poor man’s mimosa.

But right now, Stella and Shannon are drinking them in the yard outside my office, and they look REAL good. And the story holds up: Shannon says she picked up the habit last summer in Oakland (poor man’s SF). Anyway, these two both proclaim this summer BRASS MONKEY SUMMER and who are we to argue? #brassmonkeysummer

[Photos by JustStella]

Drink of the week is brought to you by Poachedjobs.com.