7th annual Bicycle Music Festival to culminate in a pedal-powered block party in the Mission

Story time:  My mom is visiting the city this weekend for a teacher’s workshop, and I was racking my brain trying to come up with the perfect Saturday activity we could do that would best embody the spirit of San Francisco, when it suddenly dawned on me…

BICYCLE MUSIC FESTIVAL!  Where else can you find the perfect combination of bicycles, music (being powered and transported by bicycles!), food, and some of the raddest folks in town?  And to top it all off, the meandering route, which begins in Golden Gate Park, winds its way through the city until ending up in a ridiculous, fun-filled afterparty at 22nd and Bartlett (the same spot where the Mission Community Market takes place every Thursday).

Good thing I have an extra bike for mom!  It’s probably going to be even bigger than when the 2010 one temporarily took over Oak Street:

New music video by B. Hamilton: ‘Didn’t I?’

B. Hamilton headlines opens this year’s Phono del Sol party at Potrero del Sol. (Ticket giveaway to come!)

A look back at the Needles and Pens 10 Year Anniversary Show

Did you make it to the Needles and Pens 10 Year Anniversary Show last month? (Fun fact: I arrived there in a cop car.) If you missed it, a couple of talented folks over at Inventory Magazine have produced this dreamy video with some of the highlights.

[Thanks, Adam!]

Help wanted

We’re thinking of taking on another editor or two. Know anybody good?

If so, hit me up: allan@missionmission.org

(Oh, and, we could use someone interested in the world of ad sales as well.)

When you’re at Four Barrel and you see the city putting a boot on your Mercedes, so you run across the street and shove the parking enforcement officer and try to drive away and then get out and shove the SFPD officer who tries to stop you

And you end up facedown in the gutter like a bossss:


[Photo by Chris Bunting] [Additional reporting by Luke Spray]

Drink of the Week: Gins and tonics on boats

I like to give gin a hard time. Don’t really get it, don’t order it much. (Which I guess might preclude me from writing a column called “Drink of the Week” — but I’m only temping.) But, many years ago, my good pal Mike Chino and I were taking a ferry across the bay and I was about to order a beer. “But we’re on a boat!” he exclaimed, “We have to have gins and tonics!”

Mike’s rule stuck with me, and to this day I always order gins and tonics when I’m on a boat. Over the weekend I went with some friends across the bay to Alameda, for brunch at Hobnob and minigolf at Subpar and tiki drinks at Forbidden Island. The brunch drinks at Hobnob (including a coconut margarita) were great, the very complicated tiki drinks at Forbidden Island (including a Scorpion Bowl for four) were great — but there’s just something about sipping those no-frills gins and tonics on the upper deck of the Oakland-Alameda Ferry, the sights and sounds of the San Francisco Bay all around you — we had them both outbound and inbound. Drink of the week!

Drink of the week is brought to you by Poachedjobs.com.

Bedbug Bugatti up for grabs

But you have to fight Chris Brennan for it first.  By the way, have you checked out his new store, Мишка San Francisco, yet?  It’s pretty fucking rad…

[Photos by Chris Brennan]

Competing light, competing angles

‘Soak up the City,’ the music video by Sugar Candy Mountain that depicts a SURFPOCALYPSE

It’s a fun summer jam, too. Watch:

[via The Bay Bridged]

Popsicle season!

[via LLL]