New condo complex 38 Dolores has a ‘butterfly habitat’

You’re in your 20s

Some advice from local thirtysomething The Fogbender:

you’re in your 20’s.  you realize you don’t care about shit as much as you used to.  it makes you feel uneasy for a while because you still kind of care about people caring about you not caring.  but once you stop caring about not caring, it gets better. [link]

It gets better!

[Photo by Devon Chulick]

Hausu V. House

Alex dropped us a line about his free cult movie night at The Knockout, Mutant Matinee. I haven’t seen House, but Hausu is a weirdo scary classic.

This weekend we’re doing a double feature of haunted house movies! Both called House! It’s free admission, free popcorn, some trivia, some tasty halloween candy and prizes, drink specials, and food available from my pal Kitchen Eclectic, who will be serving up vegetarian pumpkin chili with toppings and homemade blue corn chips.  The movies are both great – House (aka Hausu, Japan 1977) is a masterpiece of mind-warping psychedelic insanity, and House (USA 1986) is a weird mishmash of horror, slapstick humor, and really great 80′s special fx. and both movies will be shown on the big screen! This will be this Sunday evening from 5-9 PM, before Sweater Funk lights up the dance floor.



Facebook event page here.

The ‘Greatest Author Reading Ever (Totally Serious)’ starring Jason Myers and Broke-Ass Stuart

Here’s the deal:

Jason Myers, author of four novels, including the bestsellers Exit Here and The Mission, and Stuart Schuffman (aka Broke-Ass Stuart), who runs one of the best goddamn websites in the world (, and has written 3 famous travel guides, will be reading for the first time together on Saturday, October 12th at the DensityStore on Valencia Street in between 16th & 17th.

The event goes from 7-9 with Stuart reading from 7:15-7:45 and Jason reading from 8-8:45 or so. It’s an all ages event and it’s fucking free and wine and beer will be served as well. The shop itself is fairly small and it will get filled to capacity so we’d advise you all to get there before 7 to ensure that you’ll be able to actually get inside to witness this ridiculously entertaining and wild spectacle.

RSVP and invite your friends!

This is food

Upscale meat vendor 4505 Meats has a turducken that you can order for $380. Maybe you have disposable income for novelty foods? Or you really like meat but are always frustrated by the pitiful amount of animals you can get in one dish. I really don’t know if this makes me hungry, angry or just dismayed. I guess it’s all three.

What if I invented Twitter? Or at least Facebook?

Guys. I was reading the excerpt from Nick Bilton’s forthcoming book about how Twitter was started in The New York Times and I realized something. I might have invented Twitter. I mean, I know I didn’t, but look at these pages that I blogged about a few years ago, it’s almost eerie. I explained my process in my previous post:

A long time ago in this very land (sometime in 2003) I sat alone in my living room, looking out the window onto Guerrero Street and wondered how I could connect with the people of the neighborhood, hear their thoughts, start a dialogue, without having to actually leave my house and face people in real life. Yes, it sounds sad and lonely. Whatever. The point is, I didn’t know about hyperlocal blogs or anything, so I made do with what I had. Which, apparently, wasn’t much. I figured I’d have to do some fishing.

One morning I tied a piece of paper onto a length of fishing line, attached a pen at the end and lowered them both out the window. I left my house for the day and when I came home that night I reeled the paper in (pen gone).

Good Morning

GOOD MORNING. (if evening, please reverse)

Good Evening

GOOD EVENING (if morning please reverse)

I mean, the bland prompt, time stamp, emoticons, timeline, it’s kinda weird. Before you jump all over me and explain why I didn’t invent Twitter or even Facebook, I know. But, maybe it demonstrates why something like that was ready to take off, that we were all ready to begin communicating in this specific manner. I guess I won’t sue. It’s not my style. And all I did was hang a piece of paper out the window. I guess I could have tried a little harder.

This is how the Lower Haight parties on a Thursday night

The Mission had a great Oh Sees show, sure, but c’mon, we need to be doing a LOT better than the lil Lower Haight, right?

[via Devon Chulick]

Here’s another important thing you’re missing thanks to the Oh Sees show being sold out

Opening act The Blind Shake are TOTALLY FUCKING MIND-BLOWING. Check them out one way or another.

And how about this ‘gram by Annie Southworth?!??!

[via Annie Southworth]

Sad Pot Bear

Imagine my surprise to see a dude dressed as a bear trying (and failing) to get into the Bernal Heights La Lengua Dispensary.

I love the look on the last frame.



One of those days where you get to play “Is it Halloween or just San Francisco?”

Sadly I missed two epic moments — one of him as the door was opened, with his arms spread wide, and another with his head slung low after the door was closed.

A still shot for posterity. God speed, pot bear.


Burger of death