Coffee the sport

Jason Kottke writes:

Coffee, like almost everything else these days, is a sport. Everyone has a favorite team (or coffee making method or political affiliation or design style or TV drama or rapper or comic book), discusses techniques and relives great moments with other likeminded fans, and argues with fans of other teams. The proliferation and diversification of media over the past 35 years created thousands of new sports and billions of new teams.

Read on.

[Photo by Josh Nguyen]

Disposable Film Festival 2014 starts tonight!

Here’s the skinny on tonight’s opening night program:

One of the world’s “coolest film festivals” according to MovieMaker Magazine, The Disposable Film Festival premieres its 7th annual competitive shorts program here in San Francisco before screening it around the world. Be the first to see this year’s collection of the best disposable films made on everyday devices like cell phones, pocket cameras, and webcams.

The party is tonight 8-10pm at the Castro! Get tickets!

Party with Andrew McKinley and Adobe Books this Friday!

For the very first book published by the new collective!

Since Adobe’s inception 25 years ago, Andrew McKinley has been photographing neighbors, customers, musicians, poets, friends, loiterers & the Tartine girls. For years these portraits, dubbed Friends of Adobe, have decorated the bookshop & served as a visual representation of the Adobe community.

For the first time, a selection of Andrew’s photographs have been complied into a book. “Friends of Adobe Books” is the first book published by the Adobe Books and Arts Cooperative, edited by Calcagno Cullen and Katie Conry, design by Kyle Knobel, and photographs by the one and only Andrew McKinley.

Check out all the details here!

(And after that’s over, finish off your night with some karaoke ping pong!)

Watch out for kamikaze ninja squirrels!

You don’t see that many squirrels around the neighborhood, do you?  The reason why might be far more insidious than you suspect.  In the past month, I’ve almost been attacked TWICE while riding my bike to work.  Here’s the account of the first attempted assault I originally posted on facebook:

i hit a squirrel on my bike ride to work this morning. i didn’t mean to–the little sucker darted out across the bike path, then darted back, and finally darted right back into my front wheel just as i was passing him.

fortunately, i didn’t squash his head, but the force from my wheel knocking him in the head propelled him up onto my left leg pants leg (which was, thankfully, rolled down all the way, because it was cold and the chain is on the right side) where he grabbed on for a few seconds until i managed to shake him off.

he ran off to the side and i stopped to see how he was, but luckily he was jumping around in a nearby tree so i figured he was ok. But seriously, little guy, my wheel is one damn inch wide and you just had to re-cross right as i was going by? WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH SQUIRRELS THESE DAYS???

A few weeks went by without any further fury offensives, but that all changed this morning:

biking along a quiet street on the way to work again, and this time a squirrel darted out just as i was nearing.  he was coming straight for me with less than a second’s notice, so there was nothing i could do.  i didn’t even have time to react at all.  miraculously, the squirrel somehow ran right between my front and rear wheels and crossed to the other side of the street.  mind you, i was going at least 15mph, perhaps 20.  this lucky little dude’s margin for error was minuscule, yet he still made it across in one piece.

i can only assume that this was a probing test for future attacks.

So basically, what I’m saying is to be careful out there.  Now let’s rock out!

Now here’s an awesome Bloody Mary

Which reminds me, we should have another Bloody Marython one of these days, right? Any new contenders?

[via Bad Kids]

Dear Rich People

SFist took a look today at @TechHateCrimes, which documents aggression towards “techies” in various forms, though nobody seems to be able to tell if it’s earnest or a parody. Meanwhile, we were alerted to this bit of analog social media conversation responding to the rich people of the city and the “Gentrifuckation”.

Beau tweets “Found on my way to the Women’s Building last night. Class tension on the rise in SF.” This, like some MM comment threads, could just be one person with a couple of different pens, or a legitimate call and response. No way to tell. Either way it’s graffiti and it’s a crime. I don’t condone crime. I also have problems with the way that this city caters to the rich and has not done enough to reach out to support the residents with less financial means, and is not reacting quickly enough to address the problems that arise when the income gap inflates as quickly as it is right now. People with a lot of money are able to commit crimes that have large scale repercussions and get away with them. The city is reacting swiftly to graffiti vandals, however, by moving to make sure they pay for the damages if caught. Which makes sense, sure. But is graffiti one of the big issues that we, all of us, are dealing with right now? It’s a big issue for property owners, that I understand completely.

I find it understandable that some people can feel like San Francisco doesn’t care about them, that they are not spoken for, not represented, and not cared for by their city. These feelings can leave some people with little hope and little trust that they will be able to truly advocate for themselves by playing by the rules. Unfortunately this drives some people to feel as though they need to write on a utility box to be heard. I wish that wasn’t the case.

Fajita Falafel Burrito

Even Danny Bowien isn’t sure that this hybrid can work. Remember when mashups were just songs that played together?

In related news, is anyone else psyched about the possibility of a long distance drone airlifting this Mission Cantina burrito back to the Mission??

Whatcha gonna do?

K bye.

[via Natalie]

Drones will soon drop small drugstore items on your doorstep if you want

SFist tells us about the startup that’s making it happen:

QuiQui (as in “quickie,” not “let’s have a Kiki”) is apparently a real thing and not a clever parody of the Internet like the mythological tacocopter. QuiQui promises to deliver small drugstore items to the door of your Mission District (of course) apartment in 15 minutes or less for a mere $1 per delivery fee. Tellingly, the company’s FAQ section lists their closest competitors as Uber and Postmates, which are not exactly direct competition but they all fit the category of “on-demand luxuries.”

The system works like every other smartphone-summoned, on-demand service, but with an airdropped spin: You pull up the app, drop a pin and the order heads your way. To avoid rotor wash and terrorizing small dogs, the drones maintain a minimum altitude of 20 feet, and you’ll actually have to catch your new toothbrush as it falls from the sky.

Coming this July. Read on.

El Rio Afternoon
