Drink of the Week: Frozen margaritas at Chevys on the water

We were about to get on the bridge when we realized we were in a borrowed camper that didn’t have a FasTrak, and we didn’t have quite enough cash for the rush hour toll. So I swerved off I-80 and into the Chevys parking lot and it was awesome.

Bad Blood with Joshua Cobos: Joshua Tree and Hollywood

Every now and then, photographer Joshua Cobos shoots a roll of film just for us, picks his 13 favorites, and we publish them here and it’s called “Bad Blood.” It used to be weekly but it’s become more sporadic since Joshua’s move to Los Angeles a few months back. He still comes back to SF every chance he gets (which is great for all of us) but regardless of where he shoots his rolls, it’s always a joy to get a peek inside his process with each new edition. Here’s what Joshua has to say about this week’s:

LA the past month has meant visiting friends all over the southern part of this state. This and the next issue are a two part series that documents travels around Joshua Tree and Hollywood with friends from the bay. The SF band Silver Shadows played a pretty cool house that was a converted church near Westlake. Been finding myself gravitating towards the long strip of Beverly Boulevard more than anywhere else in LA. Come visit, there are porches, pools and plenty of space to have friends stay over.

Thanks, Joshua! Be sure to follow him on Instagram and on Twitter.

Nine more shots after the jump:


Thursday morning music moment: Luke Sweeney gets beat up by Social Studies and tossed by Two Gallants

This one begins at the beach, exactly in the spot where YOU should have been last night because it was so damn hot, then hops on over to Secret Studios to hang out with ALL THE BANDS.  Guest-starring the aforementioned Social Studies, Two Gallants, and a whole bunch of other rad SF bands, this little ditty should help you make it through this sultry day.  And if you want to hear more, Luke’s playing again on Friday, May 30th at the Starry Plough.

Btw, for those of you loving this lovely Ocean Beach bonfire weather, know that your days of burning desiccated Christmas trees on the beach may be numbered if the National Parks Service goes through with their proposed ban on bonfires after 9pm.  WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN.

List of things I saw while laying on the beach at Crissy Field for most of the last two days

Laying on the beach at Crissy Field on a 90-degree afternoon is pretty cool for a lot of reasons, so I did it two days in a row. Here’s a list of stuff I saw:

  • Little red helicopter doing acrobatics over and under the Golden Gate Bridge
  • “Horizon Lines” container ship entering the bay
  • Soooo many pelicans, feeding
  • Kitesurfers racing back and forth in formation
  • Little boat full of crab cages racing back into the bay
  • Three helicopters chasing each other all over the Bay Area
  • Kitesurfers hauling ass out into the shipping channel to surf the wake of inbound container ships
  • A couple swearing really loudly a lot (“Jesus FUCKING Christ,” he says to their dog; “SHIIIIIT,” she says to him, “Do you have the keys!?!?”
  • Other picnickers looking jealous of my 4505 Burgers & BBQ picnic
  • Two seals racing out toward the Golden Gate
  • Uggo brown haze over the Berkeley Hills
  • A guy in an oceangoing outrigger kayak HAULING ASS toward the Marina
  • A majestic great blue heron in our path, and then in flight
  • Brian Merritt and Rob Queenin taking a stroll
  • Celebrity cruise ship departing the bay
  • “Golden Energy” container ship entering the bay (I swam in its wake)
  • State-of-the-art racing sailboats in training
  • A guy that really really looked like Morrissey
  • Coast Guard helicopter going back and forth along Crissy Field for like an hour
  • The same little boat full of crab cages racing back into the bay again
  • A couple that you could tell were rockabilly even though they were in swimsuits (maybe it’s the hair; maybe it’s the body language)
  • Other picnickers looking jealous of my Courtney’s picnic
  • A cool beetle crawling up the strap of my Dolores Chiller
  • A really janky old boat puttering around (it was so old and janky it looked fake, but it was apparently seaworthy)
  • A crusty old hobo-type who said something to our dog and pronounced dog “dōg”
  • Some Europeans all in white (white shorts, white bikini, white wristwatch, white blanket, white towels, white accessories, etc.)
  • Another European making lots of 360-degree selfies with a GoPro on a stick
  • A seal bobbing around right where I’d been swimming 10 minutes prior!
  • A guy in an oceangoing outrigger kayak slowly paddling toward the Marina
  • “Horizon Lines” container ship leaving the bay
  • Group of seals performing *full breach* after *full breach* omg
  • 1 million dogs
  • When it comes to beach activities, surfing often comes to mind as a quintessential experience.
  • For beach enthusiasts looking to dive into the waves, learning to surf can be invaluable. It’s about being prepared to catch those perfect swells and enjoy the ocean’s rhythm.
  • If you’re considering taking up surfing, checking out the Waikiki surf school website could be a great start to mastering the waves and making the most of your beach days.
  • Surfing offers such a unique connection with the ocean and mastering those waves can be incredibly rewarding.

[Photo and additional reporting by Jess Kelso]


Let’s all blow off work today, okay?


Party safe.

[via Google]

Support your local Magic Curry Kart!

Magic Curry Kart, probably the first popup we ever wrote about, back before we even knew they were called popups, is endeavoring to expand its operations. Here’s part of the pitch, straight from founder Brian Kimball:

Five years ago I started the Magic Curry Kart.  Inspired by the delicious food I experienced on my travels through South East Asia I decided to serve a Thai style curry off a rickety metal kart in my neighborhood.  I initially experimented with a variety of store bought pastes until I decided to start making my own pastes from fresh ingredients I found at local farmers markets.

It was of course dubbed appropriately as Magic Curry Paste.  We are now on the shelves of Whole Foods Markets, Bi-Rite Markets, Adronicos, and Rainbow Grocery in the Bay Area.  We are also on the virtual shelves of Good Eggs and Amazon Fresh.

Our Plans to Expand: There is a growing demand for fresh and locally produced food products.  We have the opportunity to get on the shelves of more markets throughout California, but that would push beyond our current production capacity.  This means that we need to move our paste to a local co-packer in order to make larger quantities at lower costs. Then we can focus on reaching more stores.

There’re only 4 days left in the campaign so act fast! In return for pledging some cash to the cause, you get rewards such as cool t-shirts and jars of curry paste:

Check out the full Kickstarter campaign here.

3D City: Everyday

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

With funds for film and developing being a little tight at the moment, I’ve been carrying around my Lumix 3D1 more and more these days. It’s small, has a wide lens, and the most subtle stereoscopic lens distance of any other digital camera at the moment. It’s nice to have a pocket sized camera to carry around the neighborhood again. If you don’t mind having the menu in Japanese, you can also grab an Olympus 3D1 here for a hundred bucks less. Since the UI is mostly symbols, it’s not that difficult to navigate either way. Speaking of money saving tips: the $15 haircuts at Lee Hong on 16th (in the above photo) are a hell of a deal.

More shots after the bump.

A very special Mother’s Day fuck-you somewhere on Capp Street

Ouch. Happy Mother’s Day!

(Thanks, Amy!)

Get rich or get out

That’s pretty much the clearest statement I’ve seen so far.

Celebrate Mother’s Day early tonight at the Knockout!




$3 drinks for the ladies and moms get in free!  Check out all the details here.