And I was just about to shut down the comments section for good

I guess we’ll have to let it live. Thanks, Simon. [link]

Bad Blood with Joshua Cobos: Thrift Town

Every now and then, photographer Joshua Cobos shoots a roll of film just for us, picks his 13 favorites, and we publish them here and it’s called “Bad Blood.” It used to be weekly but it’s become more sporadic since Joshua’s move to Los Angeles a few months back. He still comes back to SF every chance he gets (which is great for all of us) but regardless of where he shoots his rolls, it’s always a joy to get a peek inside his process with each new edition. This edition, as you can see, finds Joshua back in SF for a spell (woohoo!):

The Thrift Town photo is purely an homage to the times I spent there looking for anything and nothing, to Teen Witch who I know loves that place. The place kind of served as a reminder that the city was slowly changing. Over the years I lived there I watched the price of thrift rise. At first slowly, then to a point where clothing and used electronics became indistinguishable in price from the antique / vintage stores in the mission. Thrift Town and stuff left out on the street by San Franciscans is how I decorated my apartments. These photos were shot over a four day trip I took to SF at the beginning of June.

Thanks, Joshua! Be sure to follow him on Instagram and on Twitter. Ten more shots after the jump:


Beware cops in the park making you dump out your hard-earned alcohol

They’re at it again, apparently. Here’s what SFist‘s Jay Barmann has to say about it:

It’s of course technically illegal to be drinking in the park. It’s illegal to be smoking cigarettes there too. Does everyone do both of these things on a daily basis? Yes. Do the cops even bother when the place is almost too thick with people even to walk through? Not usually. But clearly they were bored today, and looking to be spoilsports, or they got a call from an incorrigible, bitter, bored NIMBY who lives next to the park and has nothing better to do than be a killjoy on a sunny day.

People like that deserve our pity.

But just a warning to be on alert these days with your bottles. Keep them well concealed or you might lose half a bottle of lovely Pinot Gris. [link]

[Photo by Devon Chulick]

Watch a swarm of U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopters head straight for the Bay Bridge

See ‘em? As we departed the tunnel, I noticed them heading right for us. I was like fuck. Here they come:

Here’s a closeup:


Maybe they’re here to defend the bridge against the next wave of apester invasion?


We Built This City spotted this dude on 17th and Mission today.


$138,000 Maserati looking for parking near Trick Dog accidentally drives into a Muni maintenance trench

Bummerdude ;)

[via The Fog Bender and SF Weekly]

Here’s a photo of Shannon and the Clams partyin’ at the Secret Alley

[via hello, cheetle]

Wachowski Siblings’ new Netflix series Sense8 shooting today on 18th Street

Local legend Amit Gupta reports:

Apparently Netflix is filming or doing a dry run for a shot for a show called Sense8. They’re on 18th and Dearborn and have been there since 10am with cameras, crew, and tons of motorcycles.

Here’s some video:

For more info on the show, which sounds pretty trippy, check out this report.

(Thanks, Amit!)

If mattresses could talk


[via Capp Street Crap]

The DJ Purple story

Palo Alto Weekly just published a big feature on DJ Purple, and they dug deep. Here’s some epic DJ Purple history:

Hays came to the Peninsula from New Jersey in the ’80s to pursue an undergraduate degree at Stanford University. Although he was a capable student — he says he earned high marks in high school and that he turned down an acceptance letter from Harvard University — ultimately Hays gave up on his studies so he could pursue a career in music.

At the time, Hays played in a number of dance-music cover bands — some of which were well-known in certain circles of Stanford students, he says. Back when he dropped out of Stanford, Hays says he was thinking he’d continue playing live music in bands. His instruments include saxophone, keyboard and guitar among others. However, as time passed, he started playing solo shows, using samplers and laptops as his backing band, and before long, he had mostly abandoned live instrumentation in favor of mixing dance music at parties, bars and clubs.

Though it’s been more than a decade since Hays played regularly with a band, the lessons he learned while performing with other musicians on stage have greatly informed the work he does as DJ Purple. Hays frequently plays saxophone or harmonica during songs to spice up a musical interlude or give a certain passage more punch. He will sometimes sing backup harmonies. And he has even been known to reach out to regulars via Facebook to suggest a song he thinks they’d be good at or to give pointers on microphone and singing technique. [link]

Yeah, he once messaged me to suggest I do “Little L” by Jamiroquai and it took me about 3 years to work up the courage. (By the time I did it, he’d forgotten it was his idea.)

Be sure to check out DJ Purple’s show every Thursday at Slate Bar on 16th Street, and this Friday there’s the very special Singin’ & Pingin’ returns to the Mission party at Verdi Club:

[Photo by Corntard]