Rock ‘n’ roll is alive and well in SF, for Cocktails release their debut LP tonight at Bottom of the Hill

I know I gush about Cocktails a lot, but they’re the real deal.

Find out for yourself tonight. Or order the record online. Here’s a taste:

Some graffiti from an S-Bahn platform in Berlin, translated

Like I said, Google Translate is pretty powerful these days.

[via @acrossatlantik]

Hot new look for summer: His and hers cords

And get this: the couple pictured, Stella and Tony, just got renamed by our other pal Beth. Together… they are “Stony.” Nice cords, Stony!!

[via Stella]

Check out this sweet Village People trading card I got at St. Francis Fountain

Pretty cool, right?

Wait’ll you read the back…


[Top photo by Trusha A.]

Super chill (passive aggressive) no-parking sign

[via Marta Franco on Instagram]

Love at first pat-down

From Missed Connections:

Security ID checker at SFO – w4w (SFO)

When: Saturday night, June 21 around 8:30

You: Super cute girl working the security line checking ID’s at SFO. You chatted with me, wondering why I was going to Newark – said, “Its not cold enough here for you?”

Me: Short dark hair, glasses, apparently incapable of human conversation in the face of unanticipated humor from an attractive woman. You asked my last name. I spelled it. Its a miracle I’ve made it this far in life.

I’ll be back in a few weeks. Let me prove to you that I can complete a sentence. Yeah? :) [link]

[via Roll Over Easy, the best radio show in town] [Photo by]

Nice penmanship, Nuni

Did I pronounce that right?

(Aaaaand that makes three graffiti posts in a row, just like the old days! Good work, Ariel!)

What did the _______ ever do to you?

Our pal Simon, who took this photo, thinks they may have meant:

…police who turned up while we were tagging? [link]


Bird Haunters


It’s like 2009 all over again! (Back when comments sections were all luvvy duvvy.)

EXCEPT, these houses don’t appear to have those problematic perches.

[via Logan Kerby]