What are the best margaritas in SF?

This one I had at Jay ‘n’ Bee the other day was pretty killer, but it didn’t make SFist‘s list of the 10 best in SF. The Mission is well represented though. West of Pecos, Puerto Allegre and Latin American Club made the cut, and here’s what contributor Whitney Phaneuf has to say about the frozen offering at Mosto:

Frozen margarita lovers like me — who have been sipping on the rocks in fear of dirty looks from the snobby cocktail crowd — will feel no shame at Mosto. Led by Danny Louie of Alembic fame, the tequila bar next door to Tacolicious blends the classiest frozen margarita in town. Served in a a martini glass, Mosto’s version is as tart as its rocks counterparts and features high-quality tequila, agave, and lime. It’s been known to convert even the most on the rocks purists.

I like ‘em both ways, but I often lament that frozen isn’t often an option at SF bars, so this is good to know. Read on for write-ups on the other nine.

Budget yachting

I was hella blessed to be asked to make a guest appearance this morning on Roll Over Easy (the finest morning radio broadcast on the planet), and during the show I talked about how much I like to get on the Oakland-Alameda ferry and order some gins ‘n’ tonics and take in the gorgeous views of the Bay Bridge and the Port of Oakland and everything.

And then our pal Ben Russo figured out what to call it:

Here are scenes from my last two budget yachting trips btw:

P.S. One time in a “Drink of the Week” column, I explained why to have gins ‘n’ tonics on boats.

Throwback Thursday: City of Cardboard

Yesterday I went rummaging through my Twitter archives (had to request and download a special .csv file and everything) looking for an ancient tweet about NOFX so I could make fun of Yoshi’s, and I got to thinking it could be fun to revisit some old Mission Mission stuff more regularly. So here we go. This was our third tweet ever:

Cardburg, you ask? Why, it was a miniature cardboard city that existed for a short while, here in the Mission:

Pretty cool, right? See more pics here.

And here’s a video I shot. Videos were long back in ’08, I guess. (Where was Vine when you needed it?) But do stick around to hear the cardboard crab shriek at the end:

Here’s a veggie sandwich from Pal’s Take Away hanging out at Precita Park

And they’re available every day! You can get one of these whenever you want! Yum!!!

[via Lizzy]

They might be kindergarten teachers

Local blogger anadromy experienced some deep thoughts while observing a pair of twentysomething dudes on the 47 the other day:

Both of them had their noses buried in their phones. Just as I was about to get off, they noticed each other and said what’s up. From the way they interacted, it was obvious they worked together and were both on the way to the office. Based solely on appearance, vibe, and where the bus was heading, I would be willing to place a large wager that they were both tech dudes on their way to some kind of startup South of Market. One guy said he was coming from Pacific Heights. The other said he was coming from Hayes Valley. The guy from Pac Heights asked, “Where’s that?” and I got bummed out because these two guys started to seem like a microcosm of everything that is wrong with San Francisco these days but then I got off the bus and thought about it some more and, whatever, at least they were riding MUNI and not some disgusting luxury shuttle and at least their company is based here in the city and not some fucked up suburb an hour away. Then I realized I could be totally wrong about them. Who knows? They could be kindergarten teachers or something. I was recently at a bar in Baja and there were these American bros having a bachelor party there. I assumed based on appearances and context that the women with them were probably prostitutes. But it turned out the women dancing with the bros were, in fact, kindergarten teachers just out having fun on a Saturday night.

Seems like a good rule of thumb to me: don’t hate, for They Might Be Kindergarten Teachers. (Also, who the hell cares where Hayes Valley is, anyway?)

[link] [Photo by Colleen Cummins]

Pixel art Giants logo made of 7-Up and Sunkist orange soda 12-packs

[via Stokemonster]

Emo band Hawthorne Heights is playing at local jazz club Yoshi’s

So, I got the band wrong and my timing was a little off, but my prediction from March ’09 was essentially pretty sound:

Get tickets here. (Thanks for the tip, Camille!)

Bonus ancient Yoshi’s jokes after the jump: (more…)

Great ideas

[via Capp Street Crap]

When San Francisco eventually becomes Palo Alto, all of the dogs will wear shoes

Shoes for dogs.


How to truly enjoy Billy Goat Hill

[via Dale Thorn]