Check out Trick Dog’s rad menu/map

We’ve made fun of Trick Dog’s unusual and ever changing menus before, but I have to admit, this menu/map combo is pretty cool:

Better yet, the drinks are named after SF locations, which is almost as cool as Virgil’s Sea Room’s tradition of naming signature cocktails after notable San Franciscans.

Cool ad for DJ Primo’s Slow Jams party

Every Tuesday night at the Make-Out Room.

Looking down at the Mission from high atop Potrero Hill

The city was looking especially beautiful this morning. Something about the crispness of the air or something I think.

That was a real nice walk.

Gunmen are robbing bars in the Mission now

It happened just before closing. Mission Local reports:

While two of the suspects kept the patrons guarded and on the floor, the third suspects stole the tip jar and cash from the register.

The suspect also asked one victim to hand turn out his pockets and took what cash he had.  In addition some credit cards were taken, Esparza said.

After stealing one more purse, all three suspects fled.   Witnesses told police that the robbers drove off in a maroon, four-door sedan. [link]

Holy shit.

The police blotter only identified the bar as being on the 400 block of Potrero Avenue, so Mission Local suspects it was probably Sadie’s Flying Elephant.

After the jump, an album of my favorite photos of hanging out at that bar (whatever it’s called) late at night, over the years, usually just before closing:


Robin Williams looking cooool, in San Francisco, 1987

Killer photo by Fred Larson, from the SF Chronicle archives. He looks like he could be a dock worker in San Francisco in 1957, or a member of Thee Oh Sees in San Francisco in 2007. (Or a Hollywood superstar in San Francisco in 1987.)

[via Peter Hartlaub and Emma Silvers]

Latest ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ gameplay video blows up the Golden Gate Bridge

Holy crap! I guess the Sausalito ferry is gonna be extra packed for a while.

[via kotaku]


Just got a note from Doc Pop:

Our new iPad game, SquirrelWarz, launched today for iPads everywhere! See it on iTunes.

To celebrate, the team and I are getting together for the $10 burger and a beer night at Dr. Teeth. Come hang out and play SquirrelWarz with us from 7pm-9! We’ll probably be in the back patio. If we reach #1 in the app store, drinks are on us.. in other words it’s buy your own beer, but DT is amazing and cheap.

The trailer (starring Dr. and Mrs. Pop) is pretty good:

Some friendly advice regarding comics

Plus, supporting your local comic store and all that!

[via Amoris Pomum]

The $5 toast at Dear Mom is worth every penny


Sick penmanship