Disaster comics

We heard air raid sirens yesterday afternoon despite it not being Tuesday at noon. Turned out it was just a test, but our pal The Fog Bender immediately began imagining the worst:

One more doozy after the jump:


The Fog Bender, now a weekly series only on Mission Mission

If you haven’t spent the last couple weeks bumming that the Fog Bender discontinued both his blog and Twitter account, it can only be because you’ve never seen the Fog Bender’s blog and Twitter account — and now you never will (except for the numerous hijackings we managed to pull off).

But! The good news is the Fog Bender is hard at work on a new regular series of comic strips and other work, and we’re thrilled to announce WE GET TO PUBLISH THEM RIGHT HERE ON MISSION MISSION!

Here’s the first, a humble intro to our protagonist:

Can’t wait for more? Check out this message from the man himself:

i wanna paint more murals. after painting in clarion last week, i have got the itch. please write me if you have a dumb blank wall that needs fogbending. thefogbender@gmail thankees <3

So, be sure to take advantage of that.

Here’s a drawing of an angry, bearded San Franciscan eating the Golden Gate Bridge

And if you’re not already following The Fog Bender religiously, get on it.


The Fog Bender is just the best at drawing. He’s on Instagram now too, if you’re interested. [link]

Motorist allegedly getting blowjob from a hooker allegedly causes accident at 18th and Mission

Reader Lillian F. came upon the aftermath and recorded the following video of a helpful citizen explaining what had happened:

[Photos by the Fog Bender]

Parklet? How about a couchlet?

Waaay more comfy! And you can easily get parking-starved motorists off your back by simply telling them to go fuck themselves!

[via The Fog Bender]

780 Valencia mural laid to rest

Looks like those hammocked ladies have finally caught their bus. It’s always sad to see a piece of art get painted over like that. This one was created by Rocky Villanueva in the summer of 2010, and you can see his process here. Anyone know what (if anything) is going up in its place?

[via The Fog Bender]

CHP officer in a blue bow tie

Is that standard issue?

UPDATE: Yep. Say wha?

[via The Fog Bender]

Attempted mugging in Clarion Alley by 3 kids with a half empty bottle of Coke

This type of thing has really been happening a lot recently, so everyone be sure to take extra care when walking around alone late at night.  This time the intended victim was San Francisco’s premier fashion blogger, The Fog Bender:

Walked my bike up Clarion alley and was confronted by 3 kids who couldn’t have been older than 18.  They ran up to me and started throwing punches and actually knocked me down and kicked me in the head a few times before i got up and started scrapping with them.  I picked up my bike and started swinging it at them saying “you wanna fuck with me?”  One of them threw a half empty plastic bottle of Coke at me.

Read the harrowing conclusion here.

The Golden Gate Bridge

[via The Fog Bender]