
Whoa, there was a lot of helicopter noise all of a sudden and I looked up and my backyard was completely filled with smoke. It was like something out of Apocalypse Now. And then it passed. And then MonkeyBrains tweeted us this pic:

UPDATE: CBS has all the info.

UPDATE: From reader Jesse F., some striking photographs:

Frying eggs on the sidewalk

[via The Heated]

KJ Paul is back in town!

After 6 weeks of pony riding in Iceland, exploring Malta, hosting his annual hammock camp at Burning Man and literally holding down the fort during the rainstorms, KJ Paul is officially back and in action. Get your song list ready for September!

3D City: A quick trip to Piedmont Ave

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

In my rush to get as many new comics made for SF Zine Fest I took a quick trip out to the awesome Piedmont Copy. I spent most of my day cutting and folding new books, but snapped a few shots along the way on my Lumix 3D1. The zines turned out great too btw.


Does the world need assholes?

If we’re talking anatomy, sure. If we’re talking figurative, I disagree. (Like if we’re talking about assholes like ISIS, we stand by our earlier statement.) Why can’t everybody just chill out and have a good time?

[via Schlomo]

An editorial regarding ISIS

Emmy’s Spaghetti Shack is moving to a bigger, better spot on Mission Street

They’re taking over the El Zocalo space, right on Mission Street, a little closer to the Mision. It’ll be bigger, and it’ll have a bigger menu too. Bernalwood, which claims this new Emmy’s location will complete the Bernal/La Lengua Liminal Zone ”Bermuda Triangle of Yum,” has the scoop:

Restauranteur Emmy Kaplan, a native of the neighborhood and a fixture in the local culinary scene since opening her original location 13 years ago, is excited about both expanding the restaurant’s square footage as well as helping preserve the character of the neighborhood by remaining at the juncture of the Mission and Bernal Heights.

“The current location of the Shack is over capacity, the lines are long and we’re constantly turning away large parties,” says Kaplan. “I’m really looking forward to sharing more of what we love with the people who love us with more legroom for our regulars and new friends as well.”

Yeah I popped in at about 8:30 last night and there were five parties waiting ahead of me. On a Tuesday! (So I went to PizzaHacker.)

Read on for lots more on Emmy’s, and what’s happening with El Zocalo.

Drama Talk & Drinks: A well, a swimming pool and a chicken coop

Here’s another experiential theater piece that I wish I could go to with Katie & Brittany. It’s one night only, this Saturday, so they did a pre-interview with the producer:

When Brittany and I saw the announcement for PianoFight’s production of Roughin’ It III: Theater. On. The. Rocks that is being performed in a “forest setting where audiences, who are encouraged to pack a picnic and BYO-Libations, will enjoy fresh BBQ, cold beer and award-winning theater, comedy, music and dance while being taken on a journey into the woods and beyond” we were more than intrigued. Since it’s one night only we wanted to get the DL from the show’s producer Emma Rose Shelton before we attended to get a feel for what we are getting ourselves into.

Katie: So this show is made up of many pieces, how was that process?

Emma: We reached out beyond the San Francisco community and got a ton of submissions, close to 100 submissions from all over the US. It was crazy. Way more than we had anticipated. We read a bunch of scripts. We gave everyone specifications of what the property had – there’s a well, a swimming pool, and a chicken coop – these are things you can use to your advantage and please do. And so writers were able to tailor pieces to that.

K: Can you sum up the experience for us?


TK riffs on SF Weekly’s 90s point of view

[via Tom Tomorrow]

After coming across SF Weekly’s online archive, TK over at 40 Going on 28 gives a modern perspective to their 1990s take on the local food scene.

There’s lots of fun stuff in there, but I’m enjoying reading the restaurant reviews, mostly because almost every restaurant reviewed no longer exists and because the prices listed for the food seem hilariously low.

Anyone remember Paella La Movida, on 16th between Guerrero and Dolores?  I don’t.  I guess it was where Mozzeria is now.

La Movida is the latest snappy addition to a corridor of 16th Street between Dolores and Mission that has lately been blooming with boho chic. These days the neighborhood, with its slightly seedy glamour, seems a lot like the East Village in New York, or Earls Court in London.

More here.

And I agree, R.I.P. Dave Eggers’ Smarter Feller.

[h/t Burrito Justice]

Celebrate’s 1st birthday!, the Mission’s own and city’s best underground radio station, just turned one! To celebrate, they’re throwing a big free birthday party at the Chapel tomorrow night, complete with music, DJ sets, tote bags full of party favors, and lots of cake — apparently of both slice and cup varieties! Musical guests include Happy Fangs, Nanosaur, Night Genes, and founder DJ Cosmic Amanda herself. And did I mention that it’s FREE?

Here are some cool facts about and Mission Mission:

So, see you at the party tomorrow? RSVP and invite your friends!