Dave Chappelle vs. the drunk 30-year-old idiot startup bros

Emma Silvers of the SFBG first saw Dave Chappelle live about 10 years ago, in an arena at UC San Diego full of college kids yelling “I’M RICK JAMES, BITCH” over and over. And then she saw him late last night (actually early this morning) at the Punchline here in SF:

You know what happens to drunk 20-year-old idiot college kids who get an ego boost from yelling stupid shit at standup comedians? They do grow up. They get jobs. They move to SF. They buy expensive collared shirts. And they become drunk 30-year-old idiot startup bros who get an ego boost from yelling stupid shit at standup comedians.

“DAVE who’s the hottest celebrity you’ve slept with!” (“That question assumes I’ve slept with a celebrity.”)

“DAVE you lift, bra? You lift!” (“No, this is actually just a really small shirt.”)

“Hey Dave! HEY DAVE! Are you gonna get the iPhone 6?” (Blank stare of disbelief. “Uh, probably.”)

Read on for thoughts on the entirety of the 4-hour set. (It seems like his method hasn’t changed much since the time Ariel’s mom saw him at Yoshi’s in 2012.)

[Photo, completely unrelated btw, from the time Andrew made friends with Dave at Pakwan]

Pop’s is open!

It feels a lot like Pop’s, but it smells a whole lot better and the bathrooms are clean. It’s definitely true to the vision co-owner Spike put forth in our lengthy Q&A with him from last December. Had a great time!

Here’s the menu:

It opens at 3pm today fyi!

Also, the photobooth gives you two copies of your strip AND emails you another:

Foreign Cinema celebrates its 15th anniversary tonight with a ‘Quintessentially Quixotic Quinceañera’

Here’s the plan:

In honor of Foreign Cinema’s 15th Anniversary, chefs Gayle Pirie, John Clark, and the family of Foreign Cinema invite you to take part in a “Quintessentially Quixotic Quinceañera,” an evening filled with visual delights, sensual bites, sultry libations, and unique burlesque and art performances from the world renowned drag queens of San Francisco’s Tranny Shack and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, along with a few more extraordinary surprises.

Proceeds support LYRIC, a San Francisco LGBTQQ youth organization as well as the Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy, a local public school whose mission is to empower student learning by teaching awareness, acceptance and non-violence.

Tickets are still available here.

Public service announcement

[via @daneoperator]

Track Star and Still Flyin’ headline benefit for local musician crushed by boulder in New Mexico

What a lineup! Here’s the deal:

In April, Still Flyin’ percussionist/vocalist/guitarist/bassist/drummer Brendan Lee Mead was hiking in Albuquerque and was crushed by a boulder. Broken pelvis, nerve damage, severed shoulder tendon, broken ribs, helicopter rescue, you name it. The dude almost didn’t make it. And guess what? He’s now walking without assistance, living pretty much like a normal fella. Help us celebrate his total domination of the recovery cycle and alleviate his mountain of medical bills by attending this killer rock show!

RSVP and invite your friends!

The sky

[via Tara]

Drawing a map of San Francisco by walking

Ilyse Iris Magy wants you to take a closer look at your city. The local artist is working on a rad new project, Lines Made By Walking, which launches this Friday at StoreFrontLab (337 Shotwell Street). If you’re a map enthusiast, owner of any guidebooks on secret stairway walks, and/or just someone who wants to rekindle your love for this majestic-but-conflicted city, this experiment is for you.

Here’s what Ilyse has to say about Lines:

For five weekends, I will be leading walks from StoreFrontLab to locations around the perimeter of the city, going counterclockwise from North to Northeast. On each walk, we will collectively track points and moments of interest, marking them on the sidewalk with chalk and recording field notes. Throughout the month, we will transcribe these encounters in the same chalk by marking their precise locations on a map projected directly on the wall in the gallery. When the projector is off, this installation will be a scaled representation of the 7×7 mile drawing our marks make throughout the city.

Here’s what the schedule looks like:

Friday 9/19, 6-8:30PM: Opening Reception
Saturday 9/20: Walk 1: North
Saturday 9/27: Walk 2: Northwest
Sunday 10/5: Walk 3: Southwest
Wednesday 10/8, 6:30PM: Maptime SF (Open hand-drawn mapmaking night)
Sunday 10/12: Walk 4: Southeast
Saturday 10/18: Walk 5: Northeast
Sunday 10/19, 6-8PM: Completion Closing Celebration

(All walks depart from StoreFrontLab at 12PM.)

Lines Made By Walking kicks off StoreFrontLab’s 2014/15 season, City Making, a nine-month series of installations, wanderings, happenings, and conversations that look critically and optimistically at San Francisco’s future.

Register for a spot on Eventbrite, and invite your friends!

Beautiful sandy beach coming soon to the Dogpatch

It’s called Crane Cove Park and it’s replacing the charming industrial wasteland currently out back behind the Ramp. I’ll miss the industrial wasteland vibe, but imagine, now that we’re having 90-degree days all the time, taking a 5-minute bike ride over to CCP and jumping in the water! And then ordering a burger and a bucket of Coronas!

I can’t wait!

[via Eater SF]

Bacon-wrapped hot dog guacamole, a recipe

First you have an epic night out on a Friday or Saturday, mostly in the Excelsior because who the hell wants to party in the Mission on a Friday or Saturday. (The burgers and fries at Pissed Off Pete’s are the bomb btw.) And then you crawl your way back, stopping to do another shot at Cotter’s Corner, St. Mary’s Pub, El Rio and maybe Mission Bar. And then you hit the dance floor at Last Nite for an hour. And then you buy two bacon-wrapped hot dogs, to go, on the way home. You put them in the fridge.

And in the morning you do this:

And then you pop that mess in with the avocado and take it to the Guac-Off and give it a cool name:

(A name so good it’ll win the “best name” category and a BFF.fm tote bag with coupons for free Wes Burgers and tickets to Thee Oh Sees at the Chapel inside.)

Here’s a closer look:

Mmmmmmmmmmm it was so good. Probably would’ve won if it weren’t competing with Michael Connolly and Rocky Yazzie.

Whoa, is that a Surge tallboy?

Drinkin’ Surge in 2014! We’re gonna need some 3D Doritos and crispy M&Ms with that.

[via yung honey toast]