Three songs I heard in the Mission last week

I shazammed all of these while bopping around the neighborhood drunk and/or stoned last week. (Those are pretty much the only times I use Shazam.) They are all awesome, even sober:

Robin Williams tribute in new Bryant Street mural

[Photo by Jordan Washington, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Two views of a spectacular sunset in the Mission

[via Honey Jets]

Royal Gate Vodka, a San Francisco original

Capp Street Crap over the weekend published an extensive Q&A with a representative of Haas Brothers, the company that makes Royal Gate Vodka, the vodka Cranky Old Mission Guy says we should rename the 16th and Mission area after. The Q&A covers A LOT of ground…

There’s history:

The Haas family is the 17th company in California history, founded in 1851. They helped to develop Wells Fargo bank, ran Levi Strauss for 150 years, lots of different enterprises. Cyrus Noble Bourbon, which the family launched in 1871 in San Francisco, continued in the pursuit of distilled spirits.

There’s sociology:

The economically not so well-to-do, that population, still continues to drink Royal Gate robustly. It’s not only the the disenfranchised minority communities in the Tenderloin; it’s working class logger communities in Mendocino and Humboldt County. It’s also the disenfranchised fisher communities along the Oregon coast and up and down the California coast. It’s not just that inner city, urban minority drinker; it also happens to be Central Valley dairy workers and Delta and bay and Northern California fishermen.

There’s economics:

There are different tax implications for, in the world of vodka, how you formulate your vodka. And if you add to your vodka flavor modifiers, you actually save money on federal taxes, a 2.5-percent savings on federal excise tax. And so, Royal Gate does what other value vodkas do which is to add citric acid, which is used for for lemon zest or lemon derived citrus note. And if you are an ultra-premium vodka you wouldn’t add that.

AND they address Cranky Old Mission Guy’s proposal. AND it’s all incredibly fascinating. Read the whole thing.

[Photo via Kute 'n' Krispy]

Getting closer and closer to the Golden Gate Bridge

[Tank Hill photo by @alexkras; all others by @neas]

3D City: Game Face

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

Some recent pop art found around the neighborhood. Pop art… get it? Because it’s bubble gum. More sidewalk art (in amazing 3D) after the bump.


Fun New Find: Yassou Benedict

I am definitely not the first person to notice this exciting Bay Area based pop-rock band, but I stumbled into the last three songs of Yassou Benedict’s show last night at Bottom of the Hill, and holy crap! They are good. They look good. But really they blew me away with a mere glimpse of their live show. They reminded me of a harder version of the XX, with a heavier post-rock sound and energy. I’m glad they moved here from Upstate New York, so we can call them our own, and hopefully catch the next show in its entirety very soon.

La Taqueria Rapture

Last night around 10:00. Seriously creepy, not a single person inside.

I guess the Burrito Bracket was a scam and Nate Silver is running a cult or something.

Guess we should have paid more attention to this FEMA disaster preparedness video. Or that SFgov earthquake preparedness site from 2008. Or the final Burritoeater review.



(Thank Goodness It’s Foggy!)

[via Tara]

Dolores Park construction update

Dolores Park Works reports:

Completion of the North Side of the Dolores Park improvement project is now expected to be early 2015, a 4 month delay. Jake Gilchrist, manager for the project told us that unforseen problems were discovered during excavation of the foundation for the new maintainance shed. Excessive ground water was uncovered and had to be extracted before the contractor could continue and the soil then had to be reinforced to stabilize the area.

When the north side is finally done, the south side will be closed off and slowly improved too. The whole thing is still supposed to be done by late 2015. Read on for more info and pics.