Tattoos and the stories behind them (and also partying hard on a Friday night)

As we mentioned briefly earlier in the week, there’s a party for Pen & Ink tonight at the Make-Out Room! Here’s the full rundown:

Tumblr and Tattly Present: A Night of Pen & Ink at the Make-Out Room

Cassy Fritzen
Caroline Paul
Chris Colin
Alexis C. Madrigal & Sarah C. Rich
Michelle Tea
Daniel Handler(!!!)

Hosted by: Isaac Fitzgerald and Wendy MacNaughton

Invite your friends! Buy some books! Come party with us!

I bet there will also be plenty of temporary tattoos and Tumblr pins too. RSVP and invite your friends here.

Riot Grrl radio

DJ JustStella, one of my favorite DJs of all time, tonight on her BFF show Radio Shoe, which focuses on a different theme every Friday night, delves into the storied world of the Riot Grrl movement. Here’s the deal:

Radio Shoe will be hosting CeCi Moss, the curator of the upcoming Riot Grrl exhibition at YBCA “Alien She” that opens October 25th. She, as well as Dayv Jones, San Francisco’s foremost Riot Grrrl historian, will be giving a bit of a history of the movement, chatting about putting the show together, and playing some hard to find tracks from their personal vinyl collections.

Tune in at 8:00! Or peruse the Radio Shoe episode archives whenever.

Biting criticism of local media

The Examiner and the Guardian are pretty chill though?

Sunset on 22nd Street

[Photo by Dwight Long, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Check out the latest menu at Mission Cantina

NYC, baby.

[via Chef Danny Bowien on Twitter]

Hellish temperatures in the Mission

Thanks, Tuffy!

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A dick for a dickhead

Not quite as good as that Maserati owner that drove his own Maserati into a Muni maintenance trench, but pretty good.

Although, these Seattle vandals could use some dick-drawing lessons from the pros here in SF.

P.S. This is a $2.5 million car.

[via Metro]

Cuco’s, home of ‘the best burrito in the city,’ closes forever on Monday

Our own Andrew Sarkarati gave Cuco’s the “best burrito in the city” title back in 2011 (and took this delicious pic). Since then there’ve been numerous rumors of closure, culminating in a recent battle with their landlord. And the landlord won. Hoodline reports:

It’s the end of the road for Cuco’s, which will close its doors for good this coming Monday after nearly 23 years in the Lower Haight.

As we reported back in July, the Mexican/Salvadoran restaurant at 488 Haight Street was facing eviction by landlord Robert Shelton, who sought to terminate the business’s month-to-month lease without explanation.

The Campos family, which has operated Cuco’s since February of 1992, initially sought to have the eviction thrown out in court. That motion was filed by Domingo Campos on August 6th. Unfortunately for Cuco’s, the motion was officially denied on August 27th.

Get it while you can. Read on for more on the legal battle and quote from the Cuco’s family.

You guys, it hit 101 degrees in the Mission!

I knew it! Thanks for the screenshot, Erin!

Throwback Thursday: Remembering old Pop’s

I forgot how small the TVs were. That bat is still there though.

[via Man Freckles]