The different economics of having a bar mostly for women

Yesterday it was revealed via Facebook that the Lexington Club is closing.

In a followup Q&A with 48 Hills, owner Lila Thirkield expands on her reasons for shutting down the iconic Mission bar. Here’s a doozy:

Another real issue is economic gender inequality. Why is there only one lesbian bar when there are so many gay male bars? Even if you take queerness out of it, women make less money than men and a two male household is going to have more capital potential to start a business than a two female household. How many bars or restaurants do you see being run by women? So few. And that’s just the supply side. Because women have less disposable income and consume less than men, the spending power isn’t the same when you are talking about having a bar for mostly women.

Read on for lots more.

[Photo by Lexington Club on Instagram]

Rad Bumgarner shirt

Modeled by the distinguished Alex DeWall, captain of the Community Thrift fleet, and created by the illustrious Lil Tuffy, designer of the unforgettable Mission Mission Bingo chart!  Available along with another rad “HUNTER FUCKING PENCE” shirt here.

(Btw, how crazy is it that the Giants have been to three recent World Series riding three completely different aces each time?  First Lincecum, then Matt Cain, and now Madison Bumgarner?  Unreal!)

Go Giants!

Here’s what the eclipse looks like through special eclipse glasses

[via Tony]

The Lexington Club is closing

Owner Lila Thirkield published this letter this afternoon on Facebook:

To My Dear Community –

It is with a heavy heart, great thought and consideration that I have made the very difficult decision to sell The Lexington Club.

Eighteen years ago I opened The Lex to create a space for the dykes, queers, artists, musicians and neighborhood folks who made up the community that surrounded it. Eighteen years later, I find myself struggling to run a neighborhood dyke bar in a neighborhood that has dramatically changed. A few years back my rent was raised to market rate, and though it was difficult, we seemed to weather it at first. But as the neighborhood continued to change, we began to see sales decline, and they continued to do so. We tried new concepts, different ways of doing things, but we were struggling. When a business caters to about 5% of the population, it has tremendous impact when 1% of them leave. When 3% or 4% of them can no longer afford to live in the neighborhood, or the City, it makes the business model unsustainable.

Please know that if I thought The Lexington Club could be saved, I would not be writing this. I understand what a huge loss this is to the community. It is difficult and painful to lose our queer spaces. However, my faith in queer San Francisco still runs deep. It is the best place in the world and dykes and queers are still an integral part of this city. They always will be. I have spent the better part of my adult life facilitating and creating community among dykes and queers in SF and I will not stop. The Lexington Club had an incredible eighteen-year run. It will forever live on in my heart, as I’m sure it will for many of you. To all who were a part of it – thank you for your contribution to a great chapter in San Francisco and a great chapter in my own life. And, of course, a huge thank you to my amazing staff. We made some incredible memories, and we will make more.

Lila Thirkield (Lexington)

[link] (Thanks, Jess.)

[Photo by Lexington Club on Instagram]

New signage for new Emmy’s!

As we mentioned last month, our favorite spaghetti shack will be taking over the former El Zocalo space (RIP) very soon. And according to Emmy’s Instagram, the (meat)ball is rolling along steadily!

Fun New Find: Metacomet

There’s a band called Metacomet that live right here in the Mission, and they create ambient, soothing, experimental songs that will make your mind drift softly into space; I’d personally enjoy listening to them while on the moon. Hailing from the East coast originally, they blend dreamy guitars, synths and almost chilling vocals, which are even more powerful live. Earlier this month they released a brand new three-song EP called Say Goodnight, which you can listen to here.

Drink of the Week: Orange-and-black tallboy-and-a-shot combo

Stiegl Radler and a shot of Fernet Branca! Go Giants!

(Available at Pop’s Bar and probably other bars.)

[via Jess]

‘Muni Rap’ celebrates current events

Local transit aficionado and musician Ticklefight just published this beauty:


Ottawa Ebola Renee Royals
World’s Ending Fast, Where’s My Aluminum Foils
Evictions Elections Soccer Denials
Chinatown Bus Hatred for Miles
White House Fence, Ain’t So Strong
Yosemite Graffiti Everything’s Wrong

Can’t wait to see the next verse!


[Photo by Tegan]

Sunset over the Rite Spot Cafe’s neon sign

[via Annie]

Start training now for Wing Wings’ 3rd Annual Wing Eating Contest

I witnessed this spectacle last year at El Rio — and it was truly a spectacle I will never forget. And it’s for a good cause. Get ready.