Memorial for Ted Gullicksen

The Director of the San Francisco Tenants Union, Ted Gullicksen, died suddenly in his home the night of October 13th or morning of October 14th. There will be a memorial service this coming Sunday at Mission High. I didn’t know Ted personally, but when my mom and I were wrongfully evicted during dotcom1, the SF Tenants Union was very supportive. Ted and the Union have provided assistance to so many San Francisco residents over the years.

More about the memorial and Ted here. Donations in his memory can be made to the Tenants Union, or to the fund for Falcor, his dog, who needs medical care.

What were Johnny Cash’s last words?

Let’s rock:

[Photo by Nicole, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Photo of contemporary young people hanging out in the park

[via killyoselfalready]

Sweatshirt pokes fun at San Franciscans for being on our phones all the time


Also, go Warriors! (They’re the best team in the NBA btw.)

Get a sweatshirt (also available in t-shirt) here.

Good morning

[Photo by Shannie, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Hiss Golden Messenger tomorrow at The Independent

There’s something comforting to me about a raspy-voiced man singing his heart out, and telling us small secrets of his life through his crackling words. It reminds me a lot of the hours I’ve spent driving long distances, and exploring strange rural places, and a feeling of bittersweet happiness. Hiss Golden Messenger are a folk-country-rock group from Durham, North Carolina fronted by M.C. Taylor, and listening to their songs evokes that feeling in me, even in my city apartment. Touring after releasing their latest album, Lateness of Dancers (Merge), they’ll be at the Independent tomorrow night, with opener Phil Cook of Megafaun.

Watch Hiss Golden Messenger’s video for “Mahogany Dread”

You can get your tickets here!

3D City: Highs, Lows, Middles

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

My morning walk from the Mission to downtown is one of my favorite rituals. When shooting photos along the way, this walk takes about 30 minutes. Unless it’s raining, then I’ll be out for hours.

This batch was shot on my Nimslo 3D with a roll of Ilford HP5 (my default “foggy day” film) on a recent rainy morning, then dropped off at Photoworks on the walk back home where I’ll load up film for the next day’s walk.


Drama Talk & Drinks: Party People – “I certainly couldn’t dance like that”

Fortunately for all of us, theater is alive and well in the Bay Area. Between some great shows and inspiring conversations, Drama Talk & Drinks is seeming more and more hopeful for lively, challenging and engaging performance around here. I dunno about you, but I am feeling jazzed to get out and see some theater. More on that soon. In the meantime, Brittany and her boyfriend took his mom to Berkeley Rep to see their new show, Party People. Here’s their report:

[(l to r) Christopher Livingston (Malik), Steven Sapp (Omar), and Reggie D. White (Solias) perform in UNIVERSES’ Party People, a high-wattage fusion of story and song that unlocks the legacy of the Black Panthers and Young Lords at Berkeley Rep. Photo courtesy of]

When parents visit, finding events with reasonable decibel levels can sometimes be a challenge. So when Brittany’s SO’s Mom was in town, they decided to treat her to a night at one of the best theaters in the Bay Area, Berkeley Rep, to see their current show Party People. Since the play is partially about fostering intergenerational dialogue, we figured why not do a Drama Talk & Drinks Parent-Visit edition!

Brittany: One of the biggest problems with the current theatre scene, at least in my opinion, is it tends to play it too safe and fall back on what’s already been done. We see so many revivals and classics being remounted, and even with new plays lots of topics have been revisited ad nauseum. There’s definitely something to be said for timeless theater, but it’s hard to stay relevant without taking some risks. This play takes risks.


Let’s all just pretend we’re in Dolores Park for minute and look at the view take a deep breath and say TGIF and feel real good

Everything’s gonna be alright.

[Photo by Andy, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

‘Massive Urban Change,’ a visual, sculptural, conversational project about the Mission


Eliza tells us it’s “kind of like a temporary, physical incarnation of Mission Mission.” Can’t wait to see what that means. Will Tuffy be there, heckling me right to my face? I hope so.

RSVP and invite your friends!