18, spicy

(A popular aisle at Duc Loi.)

[via Brenna]

Early morning line for the barbershop on Valencia

[via San Francisco Loves Waiting in Lines]


I’ve seen a lot of Weezer shows over the years:

  1. Opening for No Doubt at the Delta Center in Salt Lake City, 1996.
  2. Headlining the Crest Theater in Sacramento, 1999, after a couple years of hiatus following Pinkerton but before the Green Album hit.
  3. The big pre-Green Album tour stop at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, 2000, right before the Green Album hit.
  4. September 12, 2001, at the Oakland Arena. The Cal marching band played Weezer hits during the break between bands.
  5. November 2014 at Slim’s. They played an acoustic set of classics before turning off the lights and ripping into their latest album in its entirety.

All the shows were great, particularly that most recent one (pictured). Seeing them up close and personal, playing new shit they were all really excited about was a gas. Up until then, the most intimate, fiercest Weezer shows I’d seen were not performed by Weezer at all, but by a band called My Name Is Jonas Brothers at various Debaser Christmas parties at the Knockout. I’m pretty sure they just stick to Blue Album and Pinkerton, and they rip! And they’re doing it again this weekend. Here’s the info:

DJs Jamie Jams and Emdee return with an extra helping of Weezer to get you in the mood for the holidays.

It’s like your favorite compilation of Spike Jonze videos or that one tour with That Dog!

Special guests “My Name is Jonas Brothers” play all the Weezer classics, so come early.

$5, Free w/ your worst holiday sweater before 11 pm.

RSVP and invite your friends!

[Photo of Weezer at Slim's by Kat]

A song for Uber

It’s World Series-themed, so we’re posting it a little tardily, but oh well:

The pipes on these two!

Life advice, courtesy of some graffiti at Lexington Club

[via @lester_pea]

Group photo show at Cha Cha Cha

I know, it’s raining. If you’re stir crazy from sheltering in place all day today, here’s a good reason to venture out. Our good buddy Troy Holden wrote in to let us know that tonight (Thursday) is the opening for a group photo exhibition, featuring his own work as well as the works of Dave Glass and Emmanuel Blackwell. These are all photographers I admire, each one capturing a very real, very valuable and very unique side of our city’s life. Troy adds:

“We’ve taken down all the old random photos at Cha Cha Cha and replaced them with huge (4 feet!) photos of the neighborhood around 19th and Mission Street. The printer did amazing work. The photos span from the late 1960s through 2014 and are a permanent installation. A second round will be installed in the spring.”


Drama Talk & Drinks: Kinky Boots – “In a way it was crazy impressive”

SF “fun” fact: Lena Hall, who originated the role of Nicola in the Broadway production of Kinky Boots, was in my high school class at School of the Arts, back when it was still behind SF State University. So she’s there, and I’m typing this, so obviously we are both shining our bright lights. Anyway, enough about me, Katie & Brittany checked out the local production of Kinky Boots last week, their reactions split down the middle. Here’s their review:

When it’s rainy in SF it’s a challenge just getting out of the house. But when presented with the opportunity for drag queens, fabulous boots, and a night out at The Orpheum, it’s hard to say no. So we braved the monsoon to go see SHN’s latest tour, Kinky Boots.

Katie: I hate to say it, but I’m a little disappointed. Going into this show all I knew was that Cyndi Lauper wrote the music, it won the Tony, and there were drag queens and boots involved. But given Cyndi Lauper’s LGBTQ advocacy, I thought it was going to have more substance and innovation. I guess I was expecting something more like Rent, but with fancier shoes and a few more drag queens. I came in hoping for cutting edge musical theater that would entertain you and make you think. All that kind of bullshit I love. This was just a little forced.

Brittany: That’s so funny. I had the exactly opposite reaction. I was actually pleasantly surprised. I didn’t think I was going to like this show because I had a feeling it was going to be way too fluffy, but it was actually a bit deeper than I thought it might be. I mean it’s a show about shoes, but there were moments.


A poem for Elbo Room

Local rapper (and monthly Elbo Room DJ) Ticklefight penned this lovely ode to the ‘Bo:

Elbo Room Rap
All I wanna do is a zoom zoom
Pretty soon the ‘Bo is gonna go boooooom
Pinballs go crack when I get a game
Cheap happy hours mezzing up my brain
Walk inside, pitch black like night
Bathroom stall door missing, that ain’t right
Upstairs is a fee, pay to play
If I had my way, Elbo would stay


["Faux Elbo" photo by Emily Savage]

3D City: When it rains

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular.

Soak up some rainy day wigglegrams, courtesy of a rusty old Nimslo camera and a soggy roll of Ilford HP5. Speaking of, thanks to all the folks who have helped keep the film rolling by supporting 3D City’s Patreon project.


The end of the rainbow… is somewhere in the Mission!

Is it Bender’s? I think it’s Bender’s.

[via Ghostface Kayla]