The Sexpigeon diet

I think the Sexpigeon diet is worth a shot:


Integrate exercise into your daily routine
Skip the escalator and start taking the stairs! It might not seem like a lot, but every step burns extra calories.

Set a reasonable diet
You don’t have to count every calorie, but sometimes the answer to “Would you like fries with that?” should be “No thank you!” Include a natural protein bar in your diet if you plan to take on more vigorous workouts and build more muscle mass.

Goals, targets, rewards
Set sensible, achievable goals and give yourself small rewards for meeting those goals. Losing five pounds in a month is more than enough, and you deserve a (small!) bag of Cheez-Ohs for the accomplishment.

Get a hobby!
It sounds funny, but sometimes we eat because we don’t know what else to do with ourselves. Try out a hobby! Spending hours by yourself can help you avoid all those calories you’d be spending at meals with friends.

Make smart decisions
Put an “or” where your “ands” currently are. Have a glass of wine OR have dinner, but don’t have both. Save that for one of your cheat days!

Read on for several more helpful steps.

Ewok thoughts while waiting at the 24th/Mission BART station

“That R2D2 dude is actually kind of a dick.”

Or maybe it’s a Mogwai (from that movie Gremlins), in which case he’s probably wondering if it’s past his snack time yet.

Oooh, or maybe it’s a Moblin, and he’s wondering why he NEVER runs out of spears to throw at that dumb little elf kid dressed in green!

Regardless, they’re probably ALL wondering why BART is so goddamn late.

On the scene at today’s protest in front of SFPD’s Mission Station

Bikes, activism and the loud speaker. San Francisco, I see you.

A video posted by Melissa D. Gordon (@mellyg14k) on

It’s-It pouch for your It’s-It or whatever

Local artist Tika Hall designed the print and printed it on the fabric and fashioned these neat little pouches out of it.

There are a few for sale now on her Etsy site.

Drama Talk & Drinks: Head of Passes – “Bad things happen to good people”

At DT&D we love all theater, but we have a special place in our heart for new works. When Berkeley Rep invited us to a Represent night to see their production of Head of Passes, a new play by the “astonishingly gifted” (e.g. young and talented) playwright Tarell Alvin McCraney, we jumped at the chance. Unfortunately for Katie, only Brittany was free, so she and her boyfriend Sam went out for a date night of Drama Talk & Drinks.

Actress Cheryl Lynn Bruce stars in the West Coast premiere of Head of Passes. Photo courtesy of

Brittany: Did you like it?

Sam: I did. I feel like everyone in the play was made to represent one of the deadly sins. The son that was obsessed with how they would look to their church friends, Aubrey (Francois Battiste) was pride. The other son, Spencer (Brian Tyree Henry), was sloth. Cookie (Nikkole Salter) was…maybe gluttony…or greed. She was greed, she stole that stuff.

B: But the reason she stole stuff was for drugs which she was driven to because she was molested as a child.

S: Okay fair, but it’s still partially greed. And I guess the dead father is lust. And then the friends…

B: I don’t know if they’re really supposed to be the seven deadly sins. They’re just all imperfect people.

S: Maybe, but the guy, umm Creaker, he was anger. The doctor and Mae were gluttony since they drank all the booze. I don’t know who was envy…maybe Mae was envy.

B: I mean maybe, the play is definitely based in the Bible, but the characters were all too complex to just be emblematic of one sin. It’s a contemporary retelling of the story of Job, just set in coastal Louisiana. In Job people weren’t killed because they were sinful. God was testing Job’s faith. That’s part of what makes the story so tragic. Bad things happen to good people.

S: They didn’t teach Job in my Hebrew school.

B: Probably because it’s such a hard story. No one wants to hear that no matter how good you are, or faithful you are, or whatever, God will still test you and shit will happen.

S: Well the set was fantastic, it was one of the best sets I’ve seen in my life.

B: I really liked the first act. They really captured the cacophony of family drama. The second act was hard though. That final soliloquy is long and intense, and since the actress (Cheryl Lynn Bruce) had to call “line” a few times it lost some momentum.

S: In the pre-show talk the playwright said he added like 100 new pages to the script in the last two weeks. I can’t memorize 10 pages in two weeks, I was impressed she stayed in the moment as well as she did.

B: Definitely, the actress who played Shelah was amazingly talented, but having a prompters voice reading the line flat breaks the momentum no matter what. It was the biggest problem I had with the show. I feel like everyone in the audience was over it by the end. It’s like the Monty Python joke “I’m not dead yet.” She was supposed to die, and it just kept going as the house was crumbling around her.

S: But that was amazing, the set falling apart, and the water. Such cool staging.

B: I agree, but when I went to the bathroom I overheard someone else saying, “Thank God she finally died.” It’s a good show, I really enjoyed it, but the second act needs tightening.

The Verdict: Head of Passes is a promising new work. As always Berkeley Rep has extremely talented actors and designers. Go if nothing else to see a really cool set and well thought out design. By the end of the run (May 24th) it’s going to be great, but give the actors a week to work out the kinks of last minute additions to the script. Be prepared for an emotional night, if that final monologue is done to its full potential there won’t be a dry eye in the house.

The Drama Talk: Seriously, the set is dope. There’s lots and lots of water on stage which makes for really beautiful pictures and interesting sound effects. The show has the intimacy of a living room drama, the epic-ness of a Shakespearean tragedy, and the magical realism of a Kushner all rolled into one. This is only the second time this play has been staged (it was conceived and first performed at Steppenwolf in Chicago, the playwrights home theater), and there are still some kinks particularly in the second act, but McCraney is definitely a playwright to watch. The actors are all extremely talented, particularly Cheryl Lynn Bruce who play Shelah. She has the unenviable task of performing most of the second act alone with one of the most intense monologues we’ve seen in recent memory.

The Drinks: Berkeley Rep has a bar in the theater and since it was opening night they gave us passes for half-off drinks. Who can say no to half-off wine? We got our glasses and went over to the lobby of the proscenium theater and watched the final 15 minutes of Tartuffe on the monitor. One and ¼ of a Berkeley Rep show and half off drinks, not a bad date night.

Head of Passes runs through May 24th on Berkeley Rep’s Thrust Stage. Tickets are $29-$79 and available through Berkeley Rep’s website. If you’re still under the age of 30 half price tickets are also available for most performances. Those can also be booked online, but you’ll need to show an ID with proof of age to pick up your tickets.


Look at this photo depicting the theme ‘Market Street, SF’

[via Joe Aguirre]

Genius entrepreneur peddling homemade milkshakes in the park

And only $3! Look out, St. Francis Fountain!

[via Stephanie Meyers]

Check out this sick panorama of a rainbow bridging Potrero and Bernal

[via Zach Langley]

Music for the Mission: This week at Pop’s

Have you checked out M.O.M at POPS? Your number #1 reason to love Mondays is taking San Francisco by storm with 2 locations every Monday night. Motown on Mondays invites you to party hop between Madrone Art Bar & Pops Bar! M.O.M is a family of DJs, producers, musicians and music enthusiasts that all share a passion for the convergence of soul music and dancing. MOM DJs represent the most spirited soul parties with a unique vibration. Gathering their musical inspiration from Motown, soul, funk and disco with an emphasis on new and classic remixes/edits. Join the movement!


4/13/15 MONDAY

MOM at POPS: Motown on Mondays

It’s only Monday if you treat it like one.


9PM START, 1:30AM end


Check out my


Mondays at Pops






3D City: Launching off Jones

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular

Noel and I had just finished shooting a video for my comic book project, God Hates Dinosaurs, when we first met Toby Allender. He introduced himself as a BMX rider visiting from Australia and said he was on the hunt for a giant San Francisco hill that he could bomb on his bike. He saw our camera gear and stopped us to see if we’d like to help.

A couple hours later we were in Toby’s rental car driving around Russian Hill looking for a nice steep street and picking up any spare traffic cones we could find. We ended up at Jones and Union, a nice steep street with a nice flat section that would work great as a ramp. We set up some cameras, put on some orange vests, and waited for Toby’s signal once he was ready at the top of the hill. When he gave us the thumbs up, we placed the cones down at the intersection and kept our eye out for any cars pulling out of their parking lots.

I’d guess Toby was going about 40mph when he launched off of the intersection at Union, and he traveled about 40 feet before hitting the ground again. 15 minutes later we set it all up again for an even faster ride. Since I was in charge of blocking the intersection, I didn’t get to take many shots during the jump itself, but here are a few more from just before.
