Eighty-Five Song Happy Hour, where Nick Pal plays short songs because life is short

Longtime Mission Mission contributor (and originator of our occasional Drink of the Week series) Nick Pal has started anew as a DJ instead of a blogger. He hosts four different shows on BFF on Sunday afternoons, and he does this happy hour gig every first Wednesday at Pop’s.

Last first Wednesday, Nick Pal played a lot of great short rock ‘n’ roll songs, from the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s, ’00s and maybe the ’10s too, including this jam:

See y’all tonight!

I guess they seriously want to raze an entire block (at 19th and Bryant) to make room for condos

In the comments section of our Facebook post about the blog “Man Lines”, neighbor Spike K. posted the above photo and the following:

the next fight, and without the moratorium its crucial to come and protest: on June 18th, the planning commission will hear the developers request for a demolition permit to raze the entire block of Bryant st, between 18th and 19th st, the former Cell Space, Tortilla Flats, the A.C.T. prop and scene shop losing 50 union jobs, the auto repair shop that’s been there for decades, losing 9 blue collar jobs, and a local landscaping firm. come to the mtg 6/18 at 12 noon at city hall, room 400, and say no to this request to destroy our neighborhood and put up 200+ luxury homes.

Dominant Legs update

After taking the world by storm back in 2011, local band Dominant Legs played one last show and then I guess disappeared? Well here’s an update:

Now let’s listen to the song that defined the Summer of 2011 in San Francisco, their unforgettable single ”Hoop of Love” (the video is really good too):

(Thanks, Lizzy!)

UPDATE: Here’s a new demo, released just a couple months ago…

Not the best place for a pigeon nest

There are worse places for a pigeon nest, sure, such as RIGHT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW, but I have the sad suspicion that Darwin will win the day and that this pigeon is destined to suffer the same fate as his flat brethren.  I mean, they can’t all be majestic BART birds.

No shortage of photos of guys waiting in long lines for lunch in SF

Just a reminder: Man Lines, the photo blog about guys standing in line at lunchtime in San Francisco, is still going strong. It is a very consistent blog.


Luna Park has shuttered and it will soon be something new from the Mission Beach Cafe folks.

The former Specchio recently reopened as the Buffalo Club but then received a cease-and-desist order from something else with Buffalo in the name, so it is reopening as Cease & Desist.

[via Capp Street Crap]

This is a cool Bear Flag shirt

Now shall we listen to some Best Coast?

[via nomined]

‘Que Sera’ by the Dukes of Hamburg

I woke up just now with this banger stuck in my head. Enjoy:

The Dukes of Hamburg play every now and then at the Knockout, usually at a “Teenage Dance Craze” party, and it is always a memorable show.

It’s funny how many grumpy complainers are mad that Dolores Park is reopening

Last night we published the news that Dolores Park is finally set to reopen its north side on June 18th (yay!) and then we posted it to our Facebook page with some appropriate emoji:

The news promptly got 75+ likes and at least 30 shares — indicators that this was popular news. But then look at the comments section:

What a bunch of grumpy complainers! You guys really need a sunny afternoon in the park!!


The nice folks at Dolores Parks Works just told us the news!

There’s a party to celebrate:

Mark your calendrrrs!!!!

UPDATE: I mean…