Rooftop Golfing

Rooftop Golfing
Spending an evening above 18th Street just, um, cueing up the tees, or hitting the ol’ little whiteys or whatever kind of slang is associated with golfing.

Dolores Park Bike Polo Crackdown

Police and rangers the other night shut down a bike polo match in the tennis courts at Dolores Park. Players were fined for participating in an “unauthorized athletic activity.” Dolores Park View has the full story, including comment from the accused. Read on.

Photo by Chris8301.

Head Games

Supernatural abilities! At 16th and Valencia!

(Thanks, Al!)


Laundry Day Strut

A Brief History Of Yo

First, an old video of Mission locals Dr. Popular and Kiya (yeah, Self Edge Kiya) nonchalantly SHREDDING on their yos while interviewing for KRON 4. (Bonus: it’s the same awkward correspondent that interviewed Broke Ass Stuart some time ago):

Next, Kiya posted this bit of history in the comments of the last Yo-Yo-related post and I thought it was too interesting not to share:

The Mission yoyo craze started many years ago when Doc moved from Minneapolis to the Mission and lived with me for a while on 22nd street.

I have a yoyo club which he’s a part of called The Consortium of Yo, we used to be sponsored by Zeitgeist and for years there was a COY x Zeitgeist yoyo you could buy at the bar that had both our logo and the Zeitgeist logo/motto on the side-caps.

Also, another bit of trivia… I named the fried pickles dish at Weird Fish/Benders, hence the name Fried Yoyos.

Doc is the Bay Area’s yoyo ambassador, 2nd Place World Champion, and a famous hair model.

Kiya: Still got any of those Zeitgeist-branded yo-yos buring a hole in a box in your garage? We must learn your ways.

Ok no more yo-yo posts this month, I promise.

A Yo-Yo Genius Walks Among Us

I started following Doctor Popular on a whim from a comment he left a few days ago. Little did I know he also happens to be a goddamned Yo-Yo wizard. Check out this bitchin’ yo executed in Clarion Alley:

I sincerely hope this starts a Mission Yo-Yo craze the likes of which has not been seen since the Duncan Yo-Yo Team toured elementary schools around the US in the ’80s.

The good doctor also happens to be a game designer, illustrator, tailor, and rapper (he produced the song in the vid too). Save some talents for the rest of us, would ya Doc?

Miss You, Western Massachusetts Farm Country

This feels like something I’d be more likely to see back “home” than in San Francisco.  Anyone want to go take our cable cutters across town, drag this beast back to Dolores Park, climb in, and go for one helluva roll down the hill?

From reader john:

i just want to know if he rolls in it or ghost rides it.  either way, fixed geared fools better start peddalin’ for the hills as i’m sure once this guy assembles the rest of his bike he’ll be doing some big foot-type shit all over their asses.
found it on scott and page or thereabouts.

Sk8 or MUNI!

So because ‘sk8 or die’ is basically my motto and Muni is basically my municipal transit of choice, I’m really into this deck:

I’d tailslide the shit out of that thing, then stalefishgrab it and top it all off with a motherfucking sausage grind.

This website rules, btw. Read more about the actual board on Muni Diaries.

I’ll be done with this joke soon, guys, I promise.

Creature Skateboards' Hesh Law at the Roxie

I’ve always wanted to d8 a sk8r, so I’m gonna pretend I know shit about shit and promote this event:

Devin writes:

On Wednesday, Creature Skateboards is premiering their new video in SF at Roxie theater.  It’s called, “Hesh Law” and it’s going to rip.

Rip!  Swoon!  So cute!

You can view the trailer for Hesh Law here.  Time 2 ollie.

Skinny Santa Skateboarding Down Mission Street

Screen shot 2009-10-12 at 8.27.38 AM

Looks like I missed a good party the other night.

Dolores Park Was Off the Hook This Weekend

The fall weather is clearly discouraging people from hanging out in the park, but some core park-goers are still determined to hold down the fort.  Take this crew: these guys really know how to party.  Not only were they rocking out with two kegs and various food stuffs, they were playing traditionally awesome park games like potato sack races and three legged races.   It was hard to not feel inferior while merely sitting on the grass with a can of Natural Ice and playing go fish with a deck of Pura Vida cards.

In other news, the cool breeze was not discouraging the token shirtless frisbee player*:


* bonus pink speedo, long red hair, mustache and aviators