Does anybody have a screenshot that proves it hit 100 degrees in the Mission?

I swear it got there, but this was all I got:

Global warming rules!

UPDATE: Bingo (101 actually) and… omg holy hell!

Look at all these clouds!

Hooray for the rain!

[via Roger Niner]

[via Michael Gomez]

[via Stokemonster]

Two views of a spectacular sunset in the Mission

[via Honey Jets]


(Thank Goodness It’s Foggy!)

[via Tara]

The sky

[via Tara]

Beautiful sandy beach coming soon to the Dogpatch

It’s called Crane Cove Park and it’s replacing the charming industrial wasteland currently out back behind the Ramp. I’ll miss the industrial wasteland vibe, but imagine, now that we’re having 90-degree days all the time, taking a 5-minute bike ride over to CCP and jumping in the water! And then ordering a burger and a bucket of Coronas!

I can’t wait!

[via Eater SF]

I guess we’re just gonna keep having beautiful days forever

Knock on wood.

[Photo by Sami Dababo, via It's Always Sunny in San Francisco]

Bees in your walls

Local blogger anadromy tells us about his current living situation:

Some bees have made a hive inside one of my bedroom walls. I guess I’ll have to tell the landlord about it but I’ve been too busy lately. At night, the bees make a faint ticking sound above my head. I think it’s the sound of them doing whatever it is they do inside the insulation. The sound is almost exactly like the sound of rain and in the middle of the night, I wake up and forget about the bees and I get sort of happy because I love the sound of rain and we’re in the middle of a terrible drought and really need rain here. Then I wake up and remember it was just the bees. [link]

Well that’s pretty pleasant. Much more so than all those unexplained bee attacks.

[Photo by Sami Lynch]

Skating the ’89 quake

So, about that earthquake.  Pretty crazy, right?  I mean, it even left one of the cabinet doors in my kitchen slightly more ajar than it was before I went to bed!

[Via Dumb Skater Kids in the Mission]

Eww, make sure your dog doesn’t drink out of this bowl of pigeon filth today

Dang, I think that’s the same one that was choking on a piece of popcorn last week.

This is outside Dynamo fyi

[via Monkey Brains]