Well here’s a fucking TIGHT photo of the sky from last night

I know we’re all pretty over a million photos of the sky in our feeds every time there’s a cool sunset, and maybe we should all cut back. All of us except Gareth. This photo is fucking TIGHT.

[via Gareth]

Watch this short video of fog pouring over Twin Peaks

🌁 #hyperlapse

A video posted by Beamer Wilkins (@beamercola) on

Terrifying Octocone found in the wild

Or is it a Contopus?  Either way, he actually looks kind of cute from this angle, where it looks like he’s minding his own business instead of trying to devour your face:

Check out this gorgeous rainbow over the Mission

[via Gareth]

Trippy animated GIF of this lightning storm over SF

Whoa, baby.

(Thanks, @beamercola and @mahlie!)

Holy cow, look at the sky

(Thanks, Jess!)

Double rainbow over the Mission

See the top one?? And how about the one closer to ground? Gettin’ lowwwww. You almost touch it. (Or at least fly your drone into it.)

[via Corntard]

Summertime in the park (except it’s technically winter)


[via Claire]

Sunny and foggy at the same time

[via @neas]

The end of the rainbow… is somewhere in the Mission!

Is it Bender’s? I think it’s Bender’s.

[via Ghostface Kayla]