I know we’re all pretty over a million photos of the sky in our feeds every time there’s a cool sunset, and maybe we should all cut back. All of us except Gareth. This photo is fucking TIGHT.
[via Gareth]
I know we’re all pretty over a million photos of the sky in our feeds every time there’s a cool sunset, and maybe we should all cut back. All of us except Gareth. This photo is fucking TIGHT.
[via Gareth]
Or is it a Contopus? Either way, he actually looks kind of cute from this angle, where it looks like he’s minding his own business instead of trying to devour your face:
See the top one?? And how about the one closer to ground? Gettin’ lowwwww. You almost touch it. (Or at least fly your drone into it.)
[via Corntard]