I’ve been all over the world, but the sky rarely looks as trippy as it often does in the Mission. This photo was taken yesterday by our buddy Mike Chino.
I’ve been all over the world, but the sky rarely looks as trippy as it often does in the Mission. This photo was taken yesterday by our buddy Mike Chino.
From Craigslist:
I’m looking for a place to keep my bees! It benefits gardens and flowering trees within a four mile radius, and it also offers a tasty supply of delicious local honey made in your backyard! More than a quarter of the bee colonies in the United States were wiped out from colony collapse disorder, putting about one-third of the food we eat at risk of remaining unpollinated.
Please support this urban beekeeper, and help me give these bees a home!
Needs for a hive:
I only require about access to the hive for about 45 minutes to an hour each week.
Bees need privacy! The hive shouldn’t be able to be seen from the street – some beekeepers have their hives stolen!
Sunlight makes happy bees- The hive should have plenty of sunlight – near a north-facing wall or fence is perfect!
Rooftops, backyards, junkyards, fields, bees can be happy almost anywhere!
I can either pay a small leasing fee to keep my bees on your property, or I am happy to offer you some delicious honey in trade. Let me know!
Over at a photo a day, Donald Kinney’s got this (and another) shot of like a zillion pigeons rock doves chillin’ on wires. (Thanks, Plug1!)
There are shots of this thing all over Flickr. Here we find it parked outside Delirium. Anyone ever chat with its pilot? Does Todd’s scam work for them too?
First-time commenter andre says he saw some shit last night:
right now(605pm) approx, 500′up and near the red twin peeks tower area are very very very low altitude bright white stationary lights….one at an angle maybe three football fields away from the other…the lower light flickers maybe from street car(s)light reflections….what are they? does any1 in the bay see these things?
Unrelated (?) photo by jtimblin, uploaded on October 2. Make of that what you will.
I’m no birder, but I’d wager that this duck hawk (and apparent Capp Street resident) is officially badass. Glenn Nevill has the story, and a bunch more pictures — many of them CLOSEUPS — right here. He also vows to keep a watchful eye on the beast, so stay tuned for further developments.
TK spotted this on Craigslist and wrote in to say, “Figures they’d come for the Mission first.” Full text:
UFOs Over San Francisco TODAY – 22 (mission district)
Hey guys. Today was amazing.
I can’t really write too much about it for I have been talking about it all day, and into the night with folks. Some shit is going down.
I don’t know whether this is preliminary surveilance or I don;t know, The Galactic Federation of Light scoping the scene pre-October 14th, but a good friend of mine and I were at the park today and saw several unidentified flying objects. They looked exactly like the white lights in the day sky over Guadalajara from 2004. They formed a perfect isosceles triangle over Dolores Park, and many appeared afterwards.
Later on, I guess about two hours ago, they came back. The same friend I was with earlier in the day called to tell me they were out in the sky again, I ran up to my roof and saw them as well. This time at night. She saw what had to have been a thousand in a fleet over near Potrero Hill. And I saw around 10 near the mission from my roof. They move together, and fast, but they will pause and cease to travel if you stare at them for a long enough time. There was a huge streak unlike that of a shooting star or burning up space debris(I know what that looks like), and they all disappeared.
This is no joke, no lie, no delusion. I have seen it along with my friend. On TWO SEPERATE OCCASIONS TODAY. THESE ARE NOT BALLOONS. NOT SATELLITES.
I guess why I am sharing this is because I don’t know what to do with what has happened today, nor do I feel like I can openly talk about it with strangers even though I really would love to.
Anyone else in San Francisco see this?
In the coming weeks, keep thems eyes on the skies.
p.s. please email me if you saw anything and/or know someone that did!
Link (or click thumbnail to view screenshot). Thanks, TK!
Okay, not an Ocelot. Meet Xena. She’s a Savannah (which makes her part Serval — yikes!), she loves Dolores Park and she’s very talkative (“mraaaar, mraaaaaaaaaaaar, mraar”). Yesterday she drew quite a crowd just sitting there looking pretty. Click photos to see photo page.
Update: Michael Pieracci says maybe Xena ain’t so happy.
Previously on Mission Mission: