Gnome Break!

Photo by potential_past.

Mission Mockingbird Car Alarm


A mockingbird just moved into the tree across the street.  It looks like he came from a rough neighborhood though, because the only song he seems to know is that car alarm loop ubiquitous to areas with high incidence of grand theft auto (vice city).  I recorded a few minutes of his performance at 4am on friday night/saturday morning so you can hear him go through the cycle a few times.

Let’s hope he meets an automotive-minded female mockingbird soon, because it’s going to be tough to find another housemate on craigslist if I have to keep explaining why my neighbors are wearing ear plugs to bed.  Between this and the fact that just to the left of that tree is the spot where Omer ends up (and spends hours yelling incoherently) when he gets too drunk to continue his regular Valencia serenade, it’s going to be tough!

Rolling with the Puppy

Great to see the little guy has finally gotten the tiny (and ridiculously cute) casts off of his hind legs!  Quite a contraption there, too!  Ladies, I can’t think of a more desirable potential Mission mate than someone who can combine DIY technical acumen with an obvious love for animals.  Swoon!

Bar Feeding Pigeons

Photo by Seven Morris, from the set Pigeons.

Thanks, Seven!


Mission Street Food

Mission Street Food

Photo and title by James P.


The Final Taboo

Pigeons Eat Horse

Pigeon Street Food

Goose-Stepping Pigeons

What will you do when the pigeons go all North Korea on us? What will you do?

Photo by razorfrog.

Sutro Tower Lightning Strike

Video by Matthew Ginnard.

Were the Creationists Right After All?

Emalie found this abandoned sea shell at 22nd and Folsom, obviously left behind as cataclysmic flood waters receded back to the ocean from whence they came, leaving the ark ready to repopulate the world.

Emalie take lots of nice pictures, but they’re all locked up in her Facebook (is that grammatically correct these days?).  Free your pics, Emalie!  That goes for all the rest of you, too.

Previously: Catholicism Strikes Again

My 'Happy' Might Be Your 'Insane'

Dang, I thought maybe I was over Ramona, but I’m not.

She just figured out the answer to every problem any of us has ever had with interpersonal communication. See for yourself.

Photo by TheeErin.

You Lean on My Back, I'll Lean on Yours

Does this work? I’ve tried and failed a few times, but these bros look pretty comfortable. What’s their secret?

Photo by Brolores Park.