And now, Cranky Old Mission Guy with the weather

From the radar of the meteorologically astute Cranky Old Mission Guy:

“Weather forecast: extremely low clouds!”

[Thanks, Cranky Old Mission Guy! And now...Andrew with sports?]

Hot new look for summer: Symbiotic mutualism

Form and fashion: in this example of a symbiotic mutualism, the fellow above feeds on small invertebrates which could potentially harm his female host. He is additionally protected from predators by her stinging cells, to which he is immune.

‘Are you my mother?’

No, not a still from the new Pixar short. The scene on Saturday at Valencia and Hill St.

Broken water main sends raging waters cascading from Hampshire Heights down to York Street Lowlands

Lots more pics (and a more-or-less happy conclusion) after the jump:


Watch out for falling FORESTS this afternoon

[via Dex]

Tiny little cricket bathed in sunlight next to a gnarly Shark Ballz sticker

[via Pen Pop]

Encroaching DUNES stage DIY Sunday Streets; shut down Great Highway

Our customary SF loop bike ride was unexpectedly interrupted yesterday shortly after reaching the beach and turning South.  We were initially confused about the road closure–wasn’t Sunday Streets happening all the way down on 3rd Street in the Dogpatch instead?

Well, it appears that the wind and dunes here at Ocean Beach got a little jealous and conspired to have their own anti-car event by blanketing the roadway with enough sand to obstruct traffic. Check out all that it took to shut down the Great Highway this Sunday after the jump.


Stormy weather bad for baby trees

[via pacificvs]

Whack-job storm system causes gnarly sunset

Bernalwood explains the phenomenon and shows us a bunch more gorgeous photos here.

Dickshark attacks NYC

[via OMFG]