Sky breakers

Our pal Greg S. snapped this shot while riding Caltrain down to work the other day.  Apparently, this phenomenon is referred to as Helmholtz Wave clouds, and while not quite as notorious as the Aurora Borealis, you’ve got to admit that they’re still quite rad.

Winter blossoms

[via Nattles]


It was REALLY nice laying in the sun doing nothing in the park all afternoon. And it looks like the weather is just gonna keep getting hotter! Love it!

Cute little BART mouse

[via Gabriel Bridges]

Dolores Park in the dead of winter

[via @lurkskatesf]

The moon last night

[via Kati]

That sunset

[via Vulcan Tits]

Fall colors in the Mission

Okay so I turned up the saturation a little — but you can’t saturate what’s not there. Beautiful.

Feral hawk rules the wild animal park that is 14th and Folsom [NSFV]

As anyone who has seen this happen at some point during their daily travels through the city (or past the Metreon) can attest, it never gets any less rad, as photographer Brandon vividly describes:

The pigeon was still alive while the hawk was eating it!

Indeed.  So, Pigeon, think about that while you sit on the stoop right outside my bedroom window that doesn’t open, endlessly cooing and cooing as you go about setting up your pigeon nest.

This hawk is coming for YOU!

[Hawk photo by Brandon T.]

Bike turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving from Mission Bicycle, via SF Bicycle Coalition on Twitter.