What Dolores Park looks like first thing in the morning

Pretty cool.

[via Allie]

Dirty Pigeon secret window

mission mission dirty pigeon window

Sneaking peeks into The Shop Barbershop from inside Dirty Pigeon Clothing, at the corner of Potrero and 24th. They have been around since 2013, but I finally made my way in to see their well-designed hoodies, shirts, starter jackets and hats with cool pigeons on them.  Mission Local did a brief interview with shop owner Ron Perez, which you can check out here for more info on/photos of the shop. Or just go and visit the shop for yourself.

3D City: Rain Check

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular.

Another rainy weekend. Another batch of rainy day wigglegrams. (Ilford film shot on my Nimlso 3D cam)


3D City: Think Outside

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular.

Developing a roll of film is like scratching a lottery ticket. A thrill of what you may find followed by the urge to do it again and again. Come to think of it, maybe I’d save some money switching to the lotto. This batch of shots comes mostly from December in SF. Shot on my trusty old Nimslo.


Trippy photo of SF from a hilltop somewhere near the Cow Palace


[via Ginny]

The sky and 17th Street

[via Stokemonster]

3D City: Electric Dreaming

3D City is a year long stereoscopic photography project by Doctor Popular.

My friend Rusty has been working on an awesome new “email zine” called Rusty’s Electric Dreams. It’s a weekly email list filled with weird news stories, Bay Area events, and art and it’s pretty damn awesome. Each month, Rusty features a new artist-in-residence to work with and I’ve been lucky enough to be that featured artist for December.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing these images exclusively through her zine and I’m thrilled to finally share them here with you guys. This collection has focused on the scenes and faces of San Franciscio, including the legendary Frank Chu, a rioter from this year’s Giant Series (not previously shown in my 3D City shots from that same night), The Green Door massage parlor, and an epic shot from our camping trip on the nearby Angel Island. There’s still one more piece to come in tomorrow’s issue of Electric Dreaming, so sign up here if you’d like to see it.


Look at this beautiful photo of San Francisco

[via Luke Spray]

Lovely view of the Mission and the sky from high atop Bernal

This is but one of a whole mess of lovely photos from a recent trip to the top of the hill by hotgranola.

Group photo show at Cha Cha Cha

I know, it’s raining. If you’re stir crazy from sheltering in place all day today, here’s a good reason to venture out. Our good buddy Troy Holden wrote in to let us know that tonight (Thursday) is the opening for a group photo exhibition, featuring his own work as well as the works of Dave Glass and Emmanuel Blackwell. These are all photographers I admire, each one capturing a very real, very valuable and very unique side of our city’s life. Troy adds:

“We’ve taken down all the old random photos at Cha Cha Cha and replaced them with huge (4 feet!) photos of the neighborhood around 19th and Mission Street. The printer did amazing work. The photos span from the late 1960s through 2014 and are a permanent installation. A second round will be installed in the spring.”