Get your tintype portrait on Valencia Street

We stopped by the grand opening party of Photobooth yesterday, and were surprised to see the storefront (which some of you may remember as a two-story acupuncture clinic) transformed into a vast, high-ceilinged space resembling an Apple Store. Photobooth is a portrait studio, gallery, retail store, and a new addition to the Mission arts scene, run by local photographers Michael Shindler and Vince Donovan.

Shindler and Donovan, who specialize in Civil War-era tintypes and Polaroids respectively, run a live portrait studio in the storefront during open hours offering two modes of instant gratification ($20 for Polaroid, $40 for tintype). The retail portion is stocked with retro camera gear, including refurbished Polaroid cameras, the entire Lomography toy camera line, and Polaroid film from the Impossible Project. The space will also feature local photographers, host events and openings, and hold alternative photography classes.




Bomb truck

Bomb Truck

Almost seems like a directive.

Getting foggy and lasery

Fog and Laser was a blast as usual. Over the weekend they published an album of laser portraits taken at the event. Here are some highlights:

The full album (with 174 more portraits) is here.


At The Touch.

I say yes

I Say Yes

Second and third best ways to find someone in Dolores Park

“I’m on the boy’s bathroom side, holding up a unicorn hand puppet!”

Surprisingly, this is not the first time someone used unicorns to mark her territory in the park. Remember this one?

If you don’t have a unicorn hand puppet, what the hell is wrong with you? I guess you could always hold one of these into the air, too:

Then I suppose after that you could play beer pong while listening to Bob Marley’s Legend.

Late night haze

Late Night Hazy

The view of the corner from the entrance of The Corner.

Life on 24th Street

Photographer Beth LaBerge loves 24th Street. She walks up and down it, making friends, patronizing businesses — and taking pictures. This month, the fruits of her labors are up on the walls at the Blind Cat (formerly known as Dirty Thieves), and this Saturday there’s a gala opening.

Tons of photos will be on display, depicting tons of scenes from every inch of 24th Street. Hell, you might even be the subject of one of them!

Drinks will be flowing, music will be playing, Beth might take your picture, and Rocky Yazzie will be frying up Navajo frybread out front.

RSVP and invite your friends here.

Another side of Arinell’s

A Side of Arinell's