Inhabitat‘s Mike Chino just sent me a text: “Check your gmail…” Anyway, he’s on the scene:
I swear to god this neighborhood keeps getting rougher….
Today (August 2nd) at 12:00 noon I spotted this itinerant horde of bees slowly making its way down 14th street between Mission and Valencia. The roving mass was apparently following a fugitive queen as she made her way down the block, clustering on top of cars and buildings with no concern for private property. Police assured a concerned public that there was, in fact, an emergency beekeeper on his way, and that there was no cause for alarm.
Cripes! Hope everybody’s okay. Thanks, Mike!
Update: Wendy was on the scene too. She kind of just broke my heart by explaining that “Emergency Beekeeper” is not an official City of San Francisco job title:
the police didn’t even know that you could call a beekeeper. they said they would put their number on file for future reference though. before my bf called the beekeepers, the police had called the fire department. they had no idea i guess.
And she says that is the place to find ass-kicking beekeepers should another emergency arise. Thanks, Wendy!
More mysterious phenomena on Mission Mission:
Dead Rat in Tar With Its Spinal Chord Out on Muni Tracks Near Dolores Park