Dave Chappelle vs. the drunk 30-year-old idiot startup bros

Emma Silvers of the SFBG first saw Dave Chappelle live about 10 years ago, in an arena at UC San Diego full of college kids yelling “I’M RICK JAMES, BITCH” over and over. And then she saw him late last night (actually early this morning) at the Punchline here in SF:

You know what happens to drunk 20-year-old idiot college kids who get an ego boost from yelling stupid shit at standup comedians? They do grow up. They get jobs. They move to SF. They buy expensive collared shirts. And they become drunk 30-year-old idiot startup bros who get an ego boost from yelling stupid shit at standup comedians.

“DAVE who’s the hottest celebrity you’ve slept with!” (“That question assumes I’ve slept with a celebrity.”)

“DAVE you lift, bra? You lift!” (“No, this is actually just a really small shirt.”)

“Hey Dave! HEY DAVE! Are you gonna get the iPhone 6?” (Blank stare of disbelief. “Uh, probably.”)

Read on for thoughts on the entirety of the 4-hour set. (It seems like his method hasn’t changed much since the time Ariel’s mom saw him at Yoshi’s in 2012.)

[Photo, completely unrelated btw, from the time Andrew made friends with Dave at Pakwan]

Kids make the darnedest gifts for their parents

The legendary Cody Frost explains:

Left: a normal stapler. Right: a ‘pillow’ a coworker’s son made for him because his father “looked tired”. #laughedsohard #kidsareourfuture #kidsareamazing #kidsareinsane



Nothing but closers

Another edition of this cutting-edge approach to comedy nights happens this Friday:

Comics will cut out most of their bullshit act and leave you with the joke/jokes they keep closest to their hearts- their closers. Jam packed with their own personal favorites, old faithfuls and maybe even some new tricks, I’ll Leave You With This will teach these comics their ABCs- ALWAYS. BE. CLOSING.

This month is super special, because Labor Day Weekend is upon us again, meaning two things- 1. We celebrate the Labor Movement with a day off to drink and 2. EVERYONE IN STEAMPUNK GOGGLES IS AT BURNING MAN! Come celebrate your freedom from dreadlocks and 80 hour work weeks with us!

Get tickets here. And follow Cynic Cave on Tumblr for more super local subterranean comedy.

Planet of the Burners

A sanitized, corporate San Francisco, as predicted by David Cross and Bob Odenkirk in 1996

In the comments thread about the impending closure of Valencia Street vintage-by-the-pound outlet Clothes Contact, one commenter reminded us about this prescient Mr. Show sketch from nearly 2 decades ago. Keep an eye out for familiar faces:

Dang, Mr. Show sure is great.

Always be closing

This sounds awesome!

comics will cut out most of their bullshit act and leave you with the joke/jokes they keep closest to their hearts- their closers. Jam packed with their own personal favorites, old faithfuls and maybe even some new tricks, I’ll Leave You With This will teach these comics their ABCs- ALWAYS. BE. CLOSING.

Get advance tickets here.

(And, obviously we don’t want longtime local businesses to always be closing, so support Lost Weekend and Cinecave and Cynic Cave whenever possible.)

Misery Index, a free monthly comedy show at the Rite Spot

It’s a monthly event but host Trevor Hill says of tonight’s edition, “This one is especially good.”

Al Gore on whether or not San Francisco is still cool

[via Megan Wong]

Snappy answers

Last week Allan asked me to interpret some gross crap on a bathroom wall. Inspired by Al Jaffee‘s Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions, I gave it a crack.

When I was a kid I got the little paper back collections from MAD Magazine, and one of my favorites was Jaffee’s, both because they were hilarious, and also because they offered the opportunity for me to put my own punchlines in.

Insert your own here.

Some originals from Jaffee’s book, with my adolescent-mind additions, after the jump.


And I was just about to shut down the comments section for good

I guess we’ll have to let it live. Thanks, Simon. [link]