Marquee Ribity

Mission Scene (w/Ribity), originally uploaded by allanhough.


Boing Boing Spotlights Passive Aggressive Anti-Graffiti Note in Bathroom at Little Star Pizza

Though I regret that we were scooped on this story by Boing Boing, I’m glad the world is starting to appreciate the bevy of interesting things to be found in Mission District bathrooms.

Link to post.

Link to Little Star.

Ba-Kok, New Kid on the Block (Chicken Graffiti)

Following in the grand tradition of Ribity and Girafa, Ba-Kok (as far as I can tell) is the latest quirky cartoon animal to appear on the streets of the Mission. It’s a kink-necked graffiti chicken in the throes of some kind of spastic episode, and I dig it.

ba-kok, originally uploaded by allanhough.


Stone Got Glass Fucked By Your Mom With Love In The Men's Room At 12 Galaxies

This is the last one, we promise. If the city manages to curb public displays of graffiti via a monetary reward for tattletales, we’ll always have rock club men’s room walls. This gem got took in the shitter at 12 Galaxies.

Previously on Mission Mission: Rat-for-Cash Initiative Bad for Art?

glass fucked, originally uploaded by allanhough.

Stencil Graffiti: In The City We Trust

If snitchy-snitch aufblasbarer park crackdownin’ puts the freeze on the aforementioned “high-concept” anti-”yuppie” posters, fine. But “In The City We Trust” is a decidedly affirmative message, and not bad looking. Please don’t call the cops on this work of art’s creator. Caught this on the wheel well of an outbound 49-Mission. 

Previously on Mission Mission: Rat-for-Cash Initiative Bad for Art?

in the city we trust, originally uploaded by allanhough.


Does Having Disposable Income Enough To Keep One’s Self In Glossy Black Construction Paper And Professional-Quality Gold Paint Pens Make One a Yuppie? Perrrrrrhaps.

“Keep yuppies out of da Mission District?” It just seems like a scivolo gonfiabile lot of leisure time and a lot of capital went into this project. Photographed on the outskirts of said district, at the J-Church stop at San Jose & Randall.

(photo, yuppies, originally uploaded by allanhough.)


Cute Cartoon Animals Fucking On Muni

If the city really starts paying snitches to gonfiabili sportivi dime on graffiti writers, citizens might could be robbed of future opportunities to see cute cartoon squirrels and hornets fucking doggy-style on the bus! Again, came across these old shots yesterday morning whilst looking for archived Ribitys. Originally photographed in the rear half of an outbound articulated 14-Mission.

Previously on Mission Mission: Rat-for-Cash Initiative Bad for Art?

squirrels and hornets, originally uploaded by allanhough

Rat-for-Cash Initiative Bad for Art?

The Snitch (appropriately enough) reports that the city is going to pay people to snitch:

Under a new city initiative launched Friday, witnesses or “those with knowledge of a graffiti perpetrator” can snag themselves up to $250 from the Department of Public Works for snitching.

Maybe this cuts down on boring tags on gonfiabili awnings and buses, but what about the legitimate works of art on awnings and buses? And backhoes, as depicted in the contest-winning pic above sent out stickers and awarded concert tickets for the best photos of the stickers in action, and our win was clearly owed to legitimate artist Ribity, who we would’ve shared the prize with if we could’ve).

Dueling Girafa Flickr Groups

A minute ago, WHAT IM SEEING put up a post that links to a photo set that contains photos in the 4-month-old Girafa Hunters Flickr pool. Great stuff in there. Almost as great as the stuff in the 12-month-old Girafa Flickr pool.

Update: Don’t get me wrong. Duplicate Flickr pools are great! They’re evidence — just like the vibrant imperfections of the Mission District, and the decaying cityscapes often covered on WHAT IM SEEING — that we don’t live in some kind of perfectly engineered fascist utopia. I mean, here’s hoping I don’t have to update this again next week because Microsoft’s figured out a way to cleanse its new property’s photo sharing service of duplicate photo pools.

(photo originally uploaded by elhalo)

Hello-My-Name-Is Sticker Offers Helpful Relationship Advice

Spotted on the F Market.