Christianity Is Hella Gay ♥


Photo by Junk Thief.

Hipster Batman

Horace Mann Middle School never had graffiti this cool on it when I was going to school there :(

Photo by Amor de Cosmos.

Previously on Mission Mission:

Too Cool For Cool School

Humanoid Ghostbat

Obama Posters Displace Actual Art

I hope this criticism doesn’t tip the scales or anything, but when this thing is over, will we get our fuckin’ sweet pig mural back? I hope so.

Photo by Shannon Clark.


Photo by Plug1.

Sidewalk Swimmers

The Ladder Herald found some fish swimming upstream on a Dearborn Street sidewalk. Link.

Evening of Graffiti

Mazatlan Street Art

Katie and I just got back from a week in Mazatlan, a city whose street art and street food scenes just might rival those of the Mission District. So here are some pictures of graffiti and stickers and things (click to enlarge). We would’ve taken pictures of the bacon-wrapped hot dogs too, but we were busy eating.

I wrote more about our trip at my Twitter account, here. And thanks to Lael for holding down the fort.

Previously on Mission Mission:

Nuclear Care Bear

Katie’s Bacon-Wrapped Hot Dog Farts

Too Cool for Cool School

Don’t drop out of cool school? Why not? I’m through being cool. Also, at which school did you learn to make such cool sidewalk stencils?

Three-Eyed Dragon Monkey in Dolores Park

This gorgeous piece of work is located on the south wall of the Dolores Park bathroom/clubhouse structure. Spooky!

Welcome to Unlucky Street

Amor de Cosmos spotted this appropriate reworking of Lucky Street‘s sidewalk stamp. When oh when will Lucky be lucky again? Link.