Colorful Caledonia


subSF‘s weekly Big Friday Post this week features the walls of Caledonia Street. Link.

Sidewalk Kiss


Photo by Sangroncito.

Hello Cartoon Violence


How do you like my latest experiment in resless photography? This work of art was stuck to a single copy sales box outside Mission Pie night before last. I went back this morning to get a better picture, but the whole bank of single copy sales boxes was gone :(


Gingerbread Murder and Suicide

Music Is My Boyfriend

As Becca puts it, “Guatemalan wall; international truth.”

Oh, and, I’m very excited about the new Heartless Bastards album, out tomorrow.

2AM Is Not For The Squeamish


What, like because of the vomit? Thanks to our friends at Noe Valley, SF for sending this over.

While we’re on the topic, I recently learned that a Korean euphemism for barfing is to “make a pizza,” and I’d really like this to catch on here in the states. Who’s in?


Barfing Buddy Facilitates Flirtation

Out Late in the Mission: Ass Kickings, Vomit and More!

Dick Tater


“Dick Tater,” hand drawn on the Valencia Street Art Wall.


Cock on a Walk

BART Boner

Sam Rockwell’s Cock

Valencia Street Art Wall at Midnight

The New Face of the Mission?


Saw this dude on a dumpster somewhere between Coffee Bar and Pirate Cat last night. I like him.

Dolores Park Ladies Room Graffiti

Katie ventured inside and found this good stuff.

Tagging the Bejesus out of the Dolores Park Bathroom Building

What’s the deal? Get it prettier at least.

The Duality of Man

Scenes from two Mission District bathrooms.