Turreted Cadillac Vandalized!


Everyday Photos just posted evidence that a lawless gang of freebooters has tagged our neighborhood’s beloved turreted Cadillac. Where’s the graffiti task force when you really need them? Link.


Turreted Cadillac, and Joey Ramone, and the Pope

Uncle Mildred


Plug1 just wrote in to talk up a street artist he’s into:

im surprised i dont see more Mildred on MM. mission based writer, has a blog here.

i emailed him a long time ago to get an interview and he politely declined saying “naw man, i just wanna get drunk, paint, and skate”. i couldnt really argue with that logic and the lifestyle seemed admirable — so i left it alone.

anyhow, i see him all over The Mish, stickers, quick throwies, etc.

this pic is from lower Valencia near 14th.

What a mantra though, right?


Framed Mildred on the Wall at Fabric8

Mildred Stickers

Pickle Shop Sign Not Vandalized on Other Side


This is not a call to action.


Pickle Shop Sign Vandalized

Mr. Pickle Stolen!

More Sea Monster Finger Puppetry



This time way out at 26th and Indiana. Thanks, jb!


Sea Monster Finger Puppets

Pig's Head Defaced By Vandals



Thanks for the tip, Vicky.

Photo by KayVee.INC.

Sea Monster Finger Puppets



At 424 Treat. Click to enlarge.

Filthy Animals Poop on the Sidewalk


Reader g just sent this in, saying, “Walking home from yoga class an hour ago I came across this example of street art.”

It begs a question I’ve wondered a skrillion times (both on the street and in the gallery): Where does the art stop and the shit begin?

Thanks, g!

Is This Art?

So asks this week’s edition of I Heart Street Art. Link.

A Pickle


This one presents a bit of a conundrum. I usually think of Ribity as one of the good ones, a graffiti writer who improves surfaces rather than defaces them. So, why this?

The pickle sign looks like it would’ve been pretty great on its own, so I can only assume the proprietor of this pickle shop did something untoward in order to invite such perfunctory defacement.

Address is 560 Alabama.


Preserve the Ribity (Oops, too late, it’s gone)

Ribity Bound for China

Ribity Loves Ribity (First Mission Mission post ever)

Smiley Air Freshener in the Bathroom at Beretta


Reader Rich, who apparently is relaxing at Beretta on Monday morning while the rest of us are hard at work (“hard at work”), just sent this in.

Will the folks at Beretta, they of bathrooms as luxurious and pristine as their specialty cocktails, quickly eradicate it — or leave it be because it is art?

Programming note: If anyone is getting sick of all these smiley face posts, feel free to chime in. At this point, we really could just start a whole nother blog.