Pi Bar's Street Art Marketing Campaign

pipe pi

Coming to a irate homeowner’s garage near you.

Rite Spot Bathroom Art

Rite Spot Cafe is one of those dives that I really like but somehow never manage to go to.  By some force beyond my comprehension, I ended up there on Friday after a few rounds at Bender’s and had to visit the bathroom.  Turns out that Rite Spot is not just home to cheap drinks and food but some great bathroom tags.

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Irony Watch: It is Worthless to Tag

Sharpie politics found on a Muni stop on Folsom:


Livebloggin': The $100 Offer

The Trees Are Walking

Ghetto Frida’s Mission Memories Already Vandalized, Vandals Having Bowel Problems

ghetto frida I need to Fart

Ghetto Frida’s Mission Memories has only been up for a month, but it’s already pretty trashed.  Lame.

ghetto frida graffiti

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Episode III – Revenge of the Bitch-Ass Tagger


If you ever needed a little proof that tact can go a long way, this is it.

(Thanks “Cranky Old Mission Guy”!  At 17th and Hoff)

Previously on Mission Mission:

A Sunday Afternoon at Dolores Park Repainted

a_sunday_in_dolores_park repainted

Previously on Mission Mission:

Bike Lane Flaccidity


If you’ve had a bad day at work and had to put up with the irritation that is traffic, coming across some juvenile cock graffiti can be the most magically uplifting thing in the world.

(Thanks Kati!)


Butt Onions

Megan Wade‘s new favorite tagger.