I Heart Costa Rican Street Art

voltron street art - Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica

All this inclement weather has got me reminiscin’ about warmer days foreign lands.  Take Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica: usually known little town to pick up supplies before hiking through the rainforest, sleeping on remote beaches, and maybe accidentally stumbling upon a sea-turtle hatch.  But, really, it just has great street art.  Its park benches and buildings are covered in solid painted jungle scenes.  However, the real gem is finding some random house with Voltron on its walls.

Hella Lust

just like jimmy carter

Also, Ban all Marriage <3.

Previously on Mission Mission:

Women's Bathroom Graffiti at Bender's

Being a man and all, I’ve never been in the powder room at Bender’s, so I sent a covert op into the bathroom armed with a camera so I could see the graff:




Street Art Meets Marin County

I was roaming around the rough streets of Marin County the other day and was thinking how awesome the street art was where money goes to die.  Of course, I only took two pictures, which is really is not enough to merit a post, but I’ll let it through regardless.


While not in the Mission (or even San Francisco), I was pretty psyched with the stencil art and my camera phones ability to actually take a reasonable picture.

I cannot believe a cell phone photo managed to come out this well.

4 Love Face!!


(photo by Zara)

I'd Like to Give the Beautiful People Leprosy


I’m certainly not a photography critic, but this is a rad shot.

(Photo by find a city to live in)

Graffiti on Graffiti Crime Continues




Graffiti After


(First photo by EndlessCanvass.com (which is great photo blog) | Second photo by HabitForming)

When You Walk Around East Mission, You Actually See Interesting Stuff

Most of us can probably agree: traversing the vast wilds of the Mission is best done on a bike.  However, this past weekend, I had a number of friends from the east coast in town so I was forced to schlep around on my own two feet.  Much to my surprise, it turns out the the sidewalks of East Mission are pretty happening.  Check it:

Two-dimensional pigeons: now in blue.

pussy hugs

I'm sure this is just some France Gall lyric, but I'd rather just assume it is some pretentious hipster bullshit.

I'm sure this is just some France Gall lyric, but I would rather just assume it is some pretentious hipster bullshit.

Thats some e.e. cummings shit right there.  So deep...

Thats some e.e. cummings shit right there.

I Think You're Really Really Special


Valencia St., sometimes you speak for yourself.

(Photo by KayVee.Inc)

Handcart Discrimination

photo 3

Rather than notify the city, why not just use this handcart as additional bike parking?*  Bender’s, this is how you can solve the parking crisis that occurs almost every night.

* Bike thieves: I’m certain disassembling a handcart is difficult.  Don’t even try it.