Collection of Abandoned Treasures

thefink” nailed it:

Things left outside my apartment building

Current collection of crap — a TV and umbrella — left on the street outside our apartment. Tomorrow the TV will probably be tagged and broken, and by Wednesday they will be gone and replaced by some other collection of abandoned treasures.

(photo and text by thefink)

Killer Penguins

westbymidwest peeped this street art the other day.  I always knew those damn penguins were an enemy of progress.


Also, westbymidwest also snapped a great shot of some transvestite sticker art.

Sticker on Sticker Crime

Some 6th grade teacher was clearly grading sticker tags last week.  Although I was not too impressed with this particular piece, anything assessed to be worthy of the esteemed “four spiders” designation deserves some props.

The Long Way Home

The problem with working from home is that it is not often that I get to immerse myself beyond Capp/24th/Valencia/Dolores.  Sarah Palin’s “real Mission.”  I’ve started meandering around the side streets of the Mission these days (besides, the smell of Ritual makes me nauseous) and it turns out that there is some interesting shit street art graffiti going on out there.

Nice Tag, Brah. (P.S. No)

Theresa spotted this on the Pop’s window and sent it our way.  So now we have sticker taggers sniping at each other?  What is this?  The SF Weekly?

Rum Balloon

We Built This City peeped this bit of nonsense at 23rd and Guerrero.  What is it about sticking a pen into a sidewalk that makes people’s minds melt and put together two awesome yet completely unrelated words?

Sir Thumbsalot the Green


Snapped this guy up on a telephone pole on 22nd/San Jose.

Maybe I’m being dense here, but I don’t get the metaphor. The joke definitely lies in the thumb head and the knightship, but I really can’t figure out how they’re related. Can anyone enlighten me? Please respond in iambic pentameter only.

I totally don’t get British humor. Oops, humour. If this is a Monty Python ref, I’m gonna be pissed.

Quail Message


I googled this line from the bathroom wall at Cafe Petra (17th & Guerrero) to see if any lyrics came up.

They didn’t.  But this Quail Diary did.

Is someone in the Mission promoting this bird blog with a bathroom scrawl?  Probably not. But it’s nice to think about.


-Jen Gann

Mission Mission Mascot Update


I pass by this li’l guy etched into the sidewalk on 23rd/Valencia every morning and always assumed it said MM.  I took a closer look today and see it’s actually an MK bird.  Not a Mission Mission mascot, I guess.

Sigh.  I suppose that pair of frogs taking a dump will have to stay.

Mac and Cheese in the Streets

Check out this Mission sidewalk graffiti, courtesy of Don’t Ask Me, I Just Work Here:


So anyway, The Wall Street Journal says hipsters in New York and California love mac and cheese.   No big deal, but Safewaygirl totally called it like two days before that article even came out.

Where’s the best m & c in town?  I would say Maverick, but I talk about Maverick too much.