Sirron Norris Responds

Read his letter to the community at Mission Local.


New Sirron Norris Mural Conflict

Levels of Stories
(file photo)
Sirron Norris has been working on a new mural on the side of Revolution Cafe. The artist who’s whose piece (seen on the wall above) had been replaced has thrown his objections up in street art form. Mission Local has the story. Luckily Sirron sounds like he’s interested in having a discussion with the previous artist, rather than reacting with the same kind of aggression.

Missile Orchid

Also from Brooklyn, a block or so west of Horse Jesus.

Horse Jesus

CONTEST: Whoever draws me the best depiction of Horse Jesus wins a signed-and-numbered original print of this lo-res cellphone pic I took in Brooklyn last week! Horse Jesus!

Send entries to missionmissionmission at gmail. PDFs welcomed!


Ninja Jesus


Getcho' Choe On at the Roxie This Week

I first heard of the controversial David Choe through his totally addictive Thumbs Up series on In addition to being the type of guy who will inject testosterone into his biceps before running across the Mexican border, he also happens to be an amazing artist who, yes, at times, dabbles in graffiti (not that we’re into that sort of thing).

The documentary of his fucked-up life, Dirty Hands, sold out pretty quickly at the Asian Film Festival some time ago, but lucky for us the Roxie is screening it all week starting yesterday until Friday. Check out the trailer and details below.

Street artist, petty thief, porn illustrator, born-again Christian, corporate shill—these are a few of the complex sides of artist David Choe as portrayed in DIRTY HANDS. DIRTY HANDS is 93 minutes and is not MPAA rated.

Director Harry Kim first began filming Choe’s exploits eight years ago, turning footage of freeway and bus-stop graffiti bombings into the short film WHALES AND ORGIES. DIRTY HANDS follows Choe’s remarkable fortunes since then—from ghost writing lesbian fiction to displaying his art in ice cream parlors to selling out multi-million dollar gallery shows. DIRTY HANDS benefits from a staggering amount of video that seemingly details every major and minor moment of his life. Besides chronicling Choe’s ever-changing coifs, this obsessive Kim shapes a mesmerizing “warts and all” sketch of the artist’s endless contradictions, failures and triumphs, ranging from this darkest moments in a Japanese jail to his lucrative cachet in hipsterati circles, to his troubled relationship with a long-term girlfriend. Choe has painted with aerosol, blood, urine and soy sauce. DIRTY HANDS captures Choe as one of contemporary art’s most darkly enigmatic figures.

For more info: Directed by Harry Kim. Running Time: 93 mins. Showtimes: Nighty at 6:10, 8:00 & 9:50. Additional Saturday & Sunday matinees at (2:00) & 4:00,

KKKatie BBBusted!

The angry young lady that defaced that Chris Lux mural and a wall near 20th and Valencia was caught in the act during Bay To Breakers this weekend after she allegedly bit a police officer and tried to spray paint a dude.

Katherine “KKKatie” Dunbar now faces a double-whammy of vandalism and hate crime charges. Bummer for all her apparent fans on MM. Count me out of those, though. I only support Brangelina-approved street art.

Full scoop on SFAppeal.


Spurned Scenester Sullies Sightly Street Art

Fuck Quiet! B Loud! Know ur Enemy!

Girls and Graffiti

Somebody started a new meme this week: “Girls posing in front of graffiti murals.” It’s big. It’s all over the internet.

Top and top middle by melissaaaaa; bottom middle and bottom by kaylaloud.

And The Beet Goes On

And The Beet Goes On

Or so it says.

Plus, you think you spend a lot of time looking for parking, this guy spends all his time looking at parking.

Looking At Parking

Fuck Quiet! B Loud! Know ur Enemy!


High school flashbacks available at 20th and Valencia.


Spurned Scenester Sullies Sightly Street Art

Sightly Street Art Restored in a Flash! 

Mission Sit or Squat (for the ladies)

In honor of what is apparently Bodily Functions Week here on Mission Mission, my microscopic bladder, and as a visiting blog tourist, I’d like to take this opportunity to praise your bar/restaurant restroom options.

Here’s my unofficial Mission Sit or Squat break down.

(Note: these reviews are strictly for the ladies, although on a previous visit I did  sneak into the men’s room at Beretta and found it to be quite clean.)

Shotwells- definitely a sit. Nice and clean, with no shortage of soap or paper towels.

Amnesia- ugh, squat! On two separate nights I visited, and between them I got in all my isometric exercise for the week. But, I don’t blame the bar, I blame the near-sighted lady patrons.

Tacqueria Cancun- I think I’m going to go with sit, although my judgment may be blurred by the muchas cervezas I consumed earlier in the evening.

The Uptown- hmm, this was kind of a sit/squat situation. On the one hand you have to pass through a completely pitch black room containing the sink, which was almost creepy enough to make me abort mission entirely, but once I braved it I found the toilet itself to be super clean.

But the winner of the week was Benders, if only because the first stall contains this mystical unicorn graffiti!

Unicorns are magical creatures, even when watching you do your business.

Overall, you Mission ladies seem to be way less nasty than us dirty birds back in Boston, or at the very least you have some pretty diligent toilet scrubbers working the bars.

Either way, give yourselves a hand! (but make sure you’ve washed them first, okay?)